Chapter 3

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(A/n) sorry this chapter is mostly Lizzie and Harry

Harry's P.O.V.

Greg got out of the car with five girls trailing behind him but I really only noticed one of them she was the one standing in front of the rest of them she had shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights and beautiful green eyes she was wearing a blue YOLO shirt that stopped just above her belly button white short shorts blue all-stars and a white beanie I had to say she really was beautiful I got snapped back into life when a girl with long brown hair who looked like a stick but was rather pretty screamed at Niall and passed out Niall picked her up and carried her inside and when he came back Greg said "lads this is my beautiful girlfriend Lizzie" and when he said that I just about died then he pointed to the ones behind her "her friends faith" she had long red hair with purple and blonde "autumn" she had shoulder length blonde hair and she looked rather shy "Khyra" she had perfect curly hair and big glasses that she pulled off very well and she looked very spunky "and Jordan is the one Niall just carried inside. Me and Lou showed the girls around (all except Jordan who was still passed out on the couch) while Greg talked on the phone outside I have never liked Greg how did he get girls like this plus she looked more like my age than his. When me and Lou were done showing them around Greg came inside and told Lizzie that he had to go and he would be back tomorrow she just nodded and gave him a kiss then he got in his car and drove off. Lou jumped out of no where and he's like "let's watch a scary movie!" So everyone agreed that we would watch paranormal activity 4 and right before everyone was about to sit down Lizzie tapped my arm " hey Harry would you mind showing me where the bathroom is again" I just nodded and took her there and she ran inside and I could hear her sobbing the movie had already started without us so I just knocked on the door "love....could I come in" after a few minutes of waiting she opened the door quickly pulled me in by my shirt and slammed the door. There were tear stains all down her face along with mascara I just immediately grabbed her and pulled her close to my chest until she stopped crying. She stuttered "thanks Harry" and I gave her that cheeky grin of mine and said " I have a feeling were gonna be best friends, oh and you can call me haz love" I got a slight grin out of her then she said " sorry about your shirt...haz" referring to the mascara on my white shirt I quickly took off my shirt and said "it's okay love."

Lizzie's P.O.V.

I was stunned when he took off his shirt i really didn't expect him to do that. Haz really had made me feel better he was really sweet and I would love to be his best friend. After a couple minutes of him having his shirt off and me just staring at him he said here ill show you my room noticing that he should probably put a new shirt on. Once we got there he put on a new shirt and sat on his bed motioning with his hand that I should sit next to him I sat down and he put his arm around me and said "so what's wrong with my bestie" I got a little choked up and said "Greg is never with me anymore he's always going somewhere and I just sit there and act like I don't care but it kills me inside" at this point I was almost screaming I was so full of rage and sadness haz just kept saying "shhh shhh it's okay love" and he laid me down and put his arm around me and we kind of just laid there and I kind of just drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I don't know why but I really trusted him.

Jordan's P.O.V.

About halfway through the movie I noticed that Lizzie and Harry weren't there. Where could they be? But at the time that wasn't what I was worried about because I had also noticed that Nialls arm was placed around me so I just leaned closed and continued watching the movie it wasn't really all that scary but it was pretty cool and t was fun to watch Louis freak every time something the least bit scary happened which was really funny for everyone... Well maybe not zayn because zayn was the one who had to deal with louis grabbing him every time he got scared (which was like every two minutes) it was hysterical

Harry's P.O.V.

Lizzie had fell asleep in my arms so I just laid there with her she looked so peaceful and I didn't want to ruin it by waking her up I assumed that the movie was done when Jordan walked in and said "there you are" which immediately woke Lizzie up wow she was a light sleeper, Jordan continued "hey you guys come downstairs if you want to watch dark skies and eat some popcorn" as soon as she said popcorn you could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and of course it was Niall who gave me the death stare and said "what's going on up here to which I just said we didn't want to watch it and walked right past him to go down stairs on my way down I heard Lizzie yell "I will be down in a second I'm gonna put my hair up and change my clothes" when I got down there everybody volunteered me to make the popcorn and when I got out there the only seat left was the recliner so I sat there but Lizzie came down and there was no where else to sit so she had to sit with me it was a tight squeeze but it was comfortable. Every time she jumped I would squeeze her so she knew I was here and near the end of the movie she fell asleep again. When the movie was done nobody wanted to take the time to figure out where everyone was sleeping so we all just moved to the floor but Lizzie wouldn't wake ... So much for a light sleeper. I picked her up bridal style and laid her down on the floor and fell asleep with her in my arms

*the next morning* still Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up and me and Lizzie were the only ones still on the floor and she was still sleeping so I slowly slipped my arm out from around her and walked out to the kitchen were everyone was eating eggs and every one stopped and stared when I noticed none were left. Jordan said "oh um we were gonna save some for you but Niall got hungry..." A few seconds went by before Niall butted in "I got hungry? You ate just as many eggs as me!" Jordan's face got as red as a tomato, I just giggled and said "its okay I'll make breakfast for me and Lizzie"

Lizzie's P.O.V.

I woke up to a tired looking mess of brown curls shaking me and saying "wake up love" I yawned and got up and walked into the kitchen and surprisingly found no one there not even Niall or Jordan just Harry with a mile high stack of pancakes and a big thing of syrup and a cheeky grin I sat down as he stood there and I said " you think i can eat all of these? Grab a fork and help me!" When I said that his smile instantly got bigger and he sat down and we ate our breakfast.

When we were done eating we went up stairs to see that every one had already picked the rooms and I was going to sleep in Harry and Lou's room ... How fun anyway I got into the room and they had a little air mattress on the floor for me Harry said that if It wasn't comfertable enough I could sleep with him what a fudgeball.... (OOPS I'm not supposed to say fudge ball don't tell Jordan that's her word) they gave me a closet to put my clothes in and they hardly filled the closet halfway when Harry and Lou saw this they said simultainiously " WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING" I said " but I don't have any money" Harry replied "it's on me"

"Ok fine I give in we can go shopping but we need to bring everyone else" he groaned and we went and got every one but zany and Khyra mysteriously disappeared and faith and Liam didnt want to go so I guess it was just me,Jordan,autumn,Lou,Niall,and Haz. We got our coats on and got out the door but in the middle of the driveway autumn started barfing all over and Louis immediately said "I'll stay with her just don't forget to pick us up some carrots!"

We all laughed and said "okay then we got in the car and left for the mall

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