Chapter 4: Rupert's Epic Fail

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Sorry about the delay everyone. It's been a hectic few weeks now. Been going through a lot. Had one of the happiest moments in my life on Sunday: finding my wedding dress. But then yesterday, I had to have my nineteen year old cat put down. Broke my heart, and still does... but somehow I overcame my sadness and wrote this. So I apologize in advance if this isn't up to my usual standard of writing. =/ Hope you all enjoy anyways.


Adrianna tied her shoes tightly, making sure they weren't going to fly off during the game. The girl had never been great at bowling; once she managed to knock down only eight pins in the course of an entire game. Of course, she had improved a little bit since that time, but not by much. The last time she had gone bowling she had been fresh out of high school and had gone with a friend. But of course even that got ruined due to the stupidity of some girl. Adrianna shook it off as she glanced up at the lane in front of her. She wasn't going to let the game get the better of her today.

"What are the teams for the first game?" Marisa asked, sitting down in front of the small screen in front of the lane.

"Put us against the guys first, and we'll go from there," Adrianna decided, although she was sure she just signed herself and Marisa up for the losing team. The girl was nearly positive that their boyfriends were better bowlers than both of them.

As Marisa began typing in their names, Tom and Rupert approached them, each of them carrying two bowling balls apiece. Tom handed Adrianna one of the balls, and the weight of the ball startled her. She glanced to see the number 14 boldly written on the top of the ball by the finger places. She glanced up at Tom in disbelief for a moment before asking, "Are you crazy?"

"Am I crazy?" Tom asked back. "Now why would you inquire about that?"

"I can't use this one," Adrianna stated, gesturing at the heavy ball in her lap. "I'll break my wrist! Or decapitate someone..."

Tom chuckled lightly, taking the ball back from her. He set the green ball Adrianna assumed was his down on the ball return, before turning back to his girlfriend. "Fine, I'll go find you a lighter one. Will 9 do for you, princess? Or will you break a nail?"

Adrianna shook her head. If she didn't know any better, she might've been offended at Tom's response; however, the girl knew he was just goofing off. "That would be more than fine, I assure you," she replied.

He smiled before walking back over to the rack on the other side of the bowling alley. Adrianna turned back to Marisa who was still attempting to type their names in. "This computer thing is stupid!" she snapped. "It keeps omitting the second 'n' in your name."

Adrianna shrugged it off. "Then just put in Dree. I don't need my full name in. You could almost just put in our initials. None of us have the same ones, and it would save you time."

Marisa sighed. "Why didn't I notice that? Grrrr... too late now. You're getting called Dree up there, mmkay?" She hit the enter button one last time, finalizing the names to appear on the overhead monitors.

Before Adrianna could say anything, Tom returned with a hot pink ball, smaller than the one he had got for Adrianna originally. He set it down on the ball return before leaning against the center console the girls were sitting around. "So how are we doing this?" he asked.

"You boys against us girls this first round," Marisa explained. "So I hope you brought your A-game, 'cause you're going down!"

By this time, Rupert had joined Tom's side, both with smirks plastered to their respective face. "If you say so," Rupert scoffed. "There's no way you two can beat us at this. Tom and I are pros."

"Pros at getting beat by girls?" Adrianna taunted, although she wasn't too sure of it. If her previous experiences with bowling proved right, there was no way they were going to beat them.

Tom snorted. "Us? Definitely not pros at losing anything," he replied. "So do your worst."

All four of them glanced up to see who would be going first. Adrianna was not surprised to see Marisa's name flash across the screen. She was anxious to get this game started. As exciting and fun as it was going to be, Adrianna was sure she was going make a complete fool of herself. She was good at many sports- soccer, volleyball, street hockey- but not bowling. It was just not her thing, and probably never would be.

The brunette watched her friend approach the lane in front of them, a ball carefully being carried in her hands. Marisa lined up perfectly before launching the ball towards the pins at the other end of the lane. She knocked over seven of the ten pins, doing a fist pump afterwards. Adrianna was just relieved her friend didn't miss; Marisa was going to have to make up for Adrianna's lack of coordination.

Marisa waited patiently for her ball to return, and once it did, she went right back up to attempt to knock over the remaining three. Adrianna knew it was damn near impossible with the way they were split. She had only seen a few people pull off knocking all three over when they were placed the way they were. Sure enough, Marisa let the ball go, and only hit two of the three like Adrianna predicted. Marisa was pleased with herself, and walked off the hardwood floor, taking her seat next to Adrianna.

"Your turn Rupert," she announced. "Let's see what you can do."

"Prepare to be shocked and awed," Rupert stated. For some reason, Adrianna had a feeling he was going to regret saying that. And she was right.

Rupert snatched a red ball from the return and made his way up to the lane. When he was about to throw his bowling ball, his foot slipped, causing him to fall on his butt. This sent the girls and Tom into an uproar of laughter. Rupert shuffled to his feet, obviously embarrassed by what had just happened to him.

"Oh shut up guys," he muttered, his face turning as red as his hair.

"Can't help it, mate," Tom chuckled. "It's just too funny. I thought you were more coordinated than that!"

"And I'm the one who sucks at bowling?" Adrianna added, a smile still lingering on her face. Although she felt bad for laughing, she was glad to see her friend mess up. Maybe that would distract everyone from how terrible she was going to be.

As Rupert finished his turn, and only knocking down half the pins, Adrianna watched Tom expertly pick up his ball. She kept him under a careful eye as he swiftly knocked over every single pin with only using one of his two attempts. A strike! Adrianna forgot what those felt like. After watching that, she couldn't wait until she was on his team. That was when she knew, no matter how bad she did, that this night was going to be a blast.

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