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"You are delusional, Re." He inched his face closer to hers. "No one can outshine me. Not even you." He smirked.

Reine was about to fire back, but the man in between pushed them away from each other before they start quarreling and end up pulling each other's hairs. "Not now, kids! You two have a photoshoot at night and we don't want you to show up with messed up faces." He sighed. "I won't be there to see how my designs look on both of you. I'll see it on the runway in a week. You better behave and don't make a scene."

"I don't make scenes." Hyunjin scoffed. "I'm the scene."

Reine faked a gag before she looks at the man. "I'd better go before he gets on my nerves for more, uncle."

"Hmm." The man hummed. "You'd better find a way to keep your nerves cool for the upcoming week, Reine." He paused to spell the next words carefully. "You'll be staying at my house. I mean, our house." He said pointing at himself and Hyunjin.

"What the hell, dad?" Hyunjin yelled.

"Que diable!" Reine gasped.

"W-what did you say?" Mr. Hwang questioned.

"The same I said but in French, dad." Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Whatever. That's beyond the point. Why the hell is she staying with us for a damn long week when there are hotels everywhere, where miss princess can lay her ass comfortably?"

"I don't like your language!" She snapped at him.

"And I don't like you, so?" Hyunjin fired back.

"That's a final, kids. It's already discussed with your label, Reine. It's safer for you to stay in my place. I'm not asking for your opinions."

"You have to be asking!" Hyunjin snapped. "I live there, too."

"Then, you can find yourself a hotel, my dear son." Mr. Hwang said, making Hyunjin's jaw drop and Reine muffle her chuckle. "Last time she stayed in a hotel, some pervert broke into her room and stole her... stuff. It's not safe for her."

Hyunjin wasn't going to object for more. Even if they were not very friendly to each other, he won't object to her safety, especially if it was something as serious as what his dad said. Hyunjin just huffed and ruffled his short black hair. "Whatever. I'm leaving." He said as he walked to the door.

"You should take her home with you, son." His dad called. "Her staff is staying here for preparations and you are going home anyway."

Hyunjin glared at his father. He couldn't believe him. He knew that the two of them never get along but didn't care and always neglected that fact. Angrily, Hyunjin opened the door and stormed outside. Reine was nothing better but she couldn't lash out at the gentleman who was trying to protect her. Huffing, she followed Hyunjin outside the office and then to the private parking down the building, where his car was waiting for them.

Stopping by the sides of his red sports car, they both huffed in anger.

"Wait!" Reine called before they get in. "I need my luggage."

"I'm sure dad made someone take them home." He rolled his eyes. "Just get in." He said then jumped in the driver's seat.

Reine didn't want to share a car with him. She never did before. And being in a sports car with only two seats, made her obligated to sit by his side for the ride home that she didn't know how much it would take.

The two models were in their seats, buckling their seatbelts, and then Hyunjin pulled away.

Hyunjin kept his lips sealed as he drove silently, trying his best in avoiding her. Reine was doing the same by scooting away in her seat and keeping herself busy with twirling her golden long hair strands. She would secretly look at him every now and then. He was having his left arm propped on the window and his head rested in his palm, while his right hand gripped the wheel. He was focusing on the road or he pretended to be doing so.

"Stop staring at me." He warned the girl when he felt her eyes on him.

"I wasn't staring." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure."

"It's just.. you look different from the last time I saw you." She said and looked on the road.

"How different?" Hyunjin questioned without looking at her.

"Last time, you had bright red long hair." She chuckled lightly. "You looked like a lollipop."

"Lo- Lollipop?" He blinked repeatedly. "I don't look like a lollipop!"

"Come on! A tall thin figure with a ball of red on top. What would we call that?"

"A human with red hair!" He snapped.

Reine did her best in muffling her laugh at how frustrated he was with such a small teasing. The rest of the journey home was silent as neither of them wanted to talk for more. Twenty minutes later, Hyunjin passed the gates of their mansion and pulled over in front of the front door. Without talking, he stopped the car and got off. Reine rolled her eyes at his sulking but she followed him.

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