Chinese Gun Store

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Once I wake up I notice somethings wrong. Nobody is in the room we all slept in over night. Then I hear it I hear them yelling and screaming for me to help them. I run to the deck and see at least 20 zombies trying to get into the house. Then I look at everyone they are all covered in blood. They throw me my baseball bat and we get to work. We start taking out zombies one by one and after 5 minutes we have all 20 zombies dead. Then we walk to Scarlets car and we all hoped in she had a minivan. Then I tell her to go to store called Chinese Gun Store I find on my phone. Once we got there we ran around and got lots of weapons. CJ got a better crossbow , Matt got a Chinese sword , Scarlet got a bow and arrow, Violet got a crowbar, I kept my baseball bat and got boots with knifes and a double ended knife. Thats when the zombies broke into the store and we used our new weapons and I got to say there was about 50 zombies that came in the store. We kicked all 50 zombies asses! Everyone seemed happy about their new weapons and when we walked out of the store I looked at all the body armor that was in there. But the only problem is there was only 2 full body armor gear and there was 5 of us. I told everyone that Violet and I should get it because we had to get the closest to the zombies. We all agreed and we got the body armor and got in the minivan and left.

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