• Chapter 5 •

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(Emily POV)

I was so excited. Today I was going to go and get my lunch in the city.

I had never done that, because we weren't allowed to go out in my old school.

I got up, got dressed and read the gc.

Quackitys Twin👨🏻‍🦲
So where we gonna go today

Rosey Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
Idc, but my mum said she'll transfer me the money for everyone's food
So we can basically go anywhere we like

That's kind of her, but it's fine, we can also pay

Rosey Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
Tell that to her
Good luck

Why wouldn't she accept that tho🤨
It's a reasonable explanation

Not for Ms. D

Rosey Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
In short, yes, I am paying
Suck it up bitches

I smiled to myself. Obviously I would have payed, but I didn't want to ask my parents for too much.

And now that problem was solved. God, sometimes I could kiss Rose.


"So where are we going?" Grace asked Rose.

"No idea. There's this pizza place in town, we could go there..."

"But the wait would be long." I finished her sentence.

"McDonalds?" Alex asked.

"Yeah fine, we can find a nice place to sit. Come on then. And get whatever you want. I'm paying and I have unlimited money." Rose grinned.

We stood in front of the menu for literal ages.

After a while Rose made everyone tell her the orders.

"And what would you like?" she asked me.

"A girlfriend." I said. She just smiled. "I'm sorry, that's not on the menu."

"I'll think about it."

"Too late now. I'll take you with me." she said, took me by the arm and dragged me to the front.

She then recited everything everyone had told her and let me order too.

"And do you want the receipt?" "Definitely." was all she said.

We finished off and went to wait.

"The rest has already gone to get a table. You can go find them if you like."

"Nah, I'll help you carry the stuff. Besides, I'd probably just get lost on my own." "Oh come on, the place isn't that big." "It's big enough for me to get lost..." I said quietly. Rose just laughed.

We chatted about school until our orders came. I think by then Rose was happy she had me. I helped her carry all of the stuff, and in exchange she helped me not get lost in the shop.

The others had found a table with four seats, so they just pulled an extra seat in.

Grace and Alex were sitting on one side and Maggie was sitting on the single seat, so we had no choice but to sit next to each other. I saw Maggie give Rose a look, but I decided it was probably unimportant.

We handed out everything. Alex and Grace had each got a Happy Meal, and they both gave their apple slices to Rose, who practically ate them in seconds.

We sat there and talked for ages, god, we could have probably talked for hours, but Rose was always looking at the time so that we would get back to school on time.

"Right folks, it's time to walk back. Eat up quickly or take your food with you, because Em and I have Mr. Parker next and he's gonna kill us if we come too late." Rose said.

"Sucks for you." Maggie said, eating her fourth chicken nugget.

"Well I'm gonna leave, you guys can come or go, I don't care. Em...ily, come on."

"Funny how she said she doesn't care, yet she then tells Em to go with her." Maggie said.

Alex laughed.

Grace gave him a death stare, which made him shut up. "Give us three minutes, Rosy. I'm just gonna finish my fries."

"I'm finishing my drink." I said and slurped my milkshake.

Soon enough we were all ready to roll.

We took the tram back to school and got there just on time.


I don't know how to describe Mr. Parker. He seems to be a good maths teacher, well at least Rose apparently likes him, but for people such as myself who don't really like maths, he was a strict teacher.

His favorite sentence to tell me was "Come on Emily, any normal person could have figured out rocket science before you finish that task!".

At least I had Rose. She was super nice to me and helped me with everything.

Even now, she was still sitting in an empty classroom with me to explain the maths to me.

"You're really good at explaining stuff." I told her. "Thanks. I'm thinking about being a teacher." she responded. "Well I would be happy if I had you as my maths teacher." I said.

She just smiled nervously while doing her homework.

I took my phone, took a picture of her and decided to send it into the group chat.

attachment: 1 image
Look who's doing her homework

Quackitys Twin 👨🏻‍🦲
So that's why she's not outside the school gate
Ayo I'm gonna come and break you up
I need to get home
Idc how many lesbian couples I need to get through

Rosey Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
Bro chill

Rose got up. "Welp, if you have any more questions, just text me. I'm gonna have to go, see you tomorrow."

I hugged her and we walked outside together.

"Finally! Come on Rosy, let's go home." Alex said, putting an arm around her shoulder.

I was confused. Was this just a weird friendship or were they a couple? I thought she was lesbian?


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