{ Chapter 14 }

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TW: Racism

(Grace POV)

I ran into the cafeteria to find three girls standing around Emily. They were obviously bullying her, and the only one who was even remotely trying to stop them was Maggie.

I looked up at Alex. "Protection mode?"

He smiled down at me. "Protection mode."

He straightened his back and walked towards the girls.

"Hello Missies, if you would be so kind as to leave Emily alone..." he said and tried to get into the circle.

Bella, the leader of the gang, laughed as she went towards Alex. "You don't understand this, Miller. She was being homophobic."

"Bella, I'm pretty sure she wasn't being homophobic in the slightest. I mean, at this point Emily is even gayer than Rose."

Emily shot him a mad look. "Come on Em, you know you love Rose. You've just got to admit it." Alex continued on.

I walked next to Alex. "What. Are you doing." I said out of the corner of my mouth."

"Trying. To help. Our friend." he replied.

"Okay that is bullshit. Let me try." I said and walked up to them. "Hey Bella. Since when have you cared for the weak? Cause you were bullying me all through elementary school."

"Yeah, and that was because you had trouble with reading, probably because you were too obsessed with your own cultures." Selena said to me.

"My own cultures? Tell me, Selena, when did I ever mention I was from a different country? I didn't, because I'm not. I'm from America. But all you can see me as is a simple black girl. So fuck you for that."

I walked towards Emily and grabbed her arm. "Oh, and I have trouble with reading because I'm dyslexic, not because my mother is african."

I motioned for my friends to follow me outside.

"Woah Grace, that was pretty cool." Maggie said, which was kinda a big deal. Maggie never really complemented anyone.

"Yeah, well you gotta stop the bullies." I just answered and went on to eat my food.


My next class was Spanish with Rose. Next to Religion, it was one of the only subjects where we had the chance to be alone.

Maggie, Alex and Emily had all chosen French, so they could all hang out, but if I'm honest, I was glad to have Rose with me.

She was so good in all of her languages, it was unreal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who are bad in every language, but I need... a bit of support sometimes. And Rose reassures me when I need reassuring.

Spanish was our last class, so Rose and I walked out of the classroom together. "That was fun!" I said.

"Yeah, especially the part when Mr. Sanchez finally noticed Bella and Selena were on their phones. They deserved it." Rose said.

"We should really hang out more often." I sighed.

"Well if you want to, you can come home with me and we can bake some biscuits. I mean it's almost Christmas after all." Rose suggested.

"Sure! I'll just tell my mum." I smiled.

I dialled my mum's phone number and waited for her to answer.

"Hi mum! Can I maybe go to Rose's house today?" "And why would you want to do that?" she asked critically.

"Rose and I haven't really been hanging out that much, so we just wanted to spend some time together. You can come around later, I'm sure Rose's mum wouldn't mind. I mean, it's Friday, so we don't exactly have to be anywhere tomorrow."

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