Mondays are bad, but tuesdays are worse

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Peter groaned as he dragged his feet slowly through the school. Mr Stank had met him at the gate and was now stuck by his side which made his bad mood even worse. 

"What's got you acting like a zombie this morning?" Mr Stank questioned, amusement clear in his voice. 

"It's tuesday," He mumbled, Mr Stark left a pause for him to elaborate. "I've got history, RE, double science, maths and then english. It's like my time table was made by Satan himself." 

"Oh no, you're getting an education!" Mr Stank said sarcastically, feigning fear. 

"Very funny," Peter said dryly with a straight face. 

They were on their way to the home room, somewhere Peter hadn't been to for a year, but he knew he couldn't avoid it now with his new tag-along. Peter entered the classroom with Mr Stank a few paces behind him. 

All chatter in the classroom came to an abrupt stop when he entered. Peter just rolled his eyes and made his way over to his old to Ned. He froze momentarily before continuing to his seat. He was about to sit down when a hand stopped him. 

"This seat is taken," Ned said. 

"Oh, s-sorry." Peter stammered out unsure why he was all of a sudden nervous.

He picked up his bag and made his way to the back and flopped himself down in the chair. Still with his backpack on, he laid his head on the desk. 

"Are you gonna take the backpack off?" Mr Stank asked, sitting in the seat beside him. Peter shook his head. "Okay," 

The bell went and his teacher told him to sit up, surprisingly he did so. However, this caused him to notice the curly haired girl walk through the door. 

"Sorry I'm late, sir. My tube was delayed." She said, slightly embarrassed. 

"It's alright, MJ. Just take a seat." 

She nodded and walked over to Ned and sat beside him. They greeted each other using the handshake he and Ned used to do when they were younger. That was his last straw, he quickly got up and exited the classroom. 

MJ was surprised, having not noticed the boy hiding in the back. With a quick apology to the teacher, Mr Stank followed the boy out of the room. He knew straight away where he was headed so when the door that read Ms Romanoff in red and black bubble letters appeared, he wasn't surprised. 

Peter pushed open the door, throwing his bag on the ground and launching himself on the couch. He hid his face in one of the cushions. The sudden noise surprised the woman, but when she noticed it was Peter, she quickly rushed over to him.

"What happened, Pete?" She asked softly, crouched down by the pillow covering his face. 

"Ned and M-MJ," He responded, very muffled by the fabric covering his mouth, but Ms Romanoff still understood. 

"Oh, Peter." She began, softly stroking his hair that was visible. He slowly lowered the pillow so his tear filled, puffy eyes were visible. 

"There you are!" She said happily, ruffling the rest of his hair softly, he smiled. 

"Are you spending today here?" He shrugged. 

"I've got a lesson to cover at eleven o'clock until twelve forty, but I think it's your science class. Will you go to that lesson?" He nodded, Ms smiled. 

She stayed on the floor for a bit longer until she knew Peter had calmed down, her hand carefully going through his hair. Not realising the boy had fallen asleep. She looked up at Mr Stank, only just noticing his presence. 

Peter Parker's Incredible Way Of Getting An EducationWhere stories live. Discover now