XV. Heartbreak Weather

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     Chapter 15, Heartbreak Weather

       " I feel like a homewrecker just because I have a crush on him.. "

  ~ Aurelia's POV ~


       Was all I could spit out before Angie engulfed me into a powerful bear hug, I didn't really feel like crying but instead I started to feel bad.
    I felt like I was home wrecking just because I looked at Miguel in not a friend way, I just stared in disbelief, not hugging Angie back.

     "But, who told you this? Like how did you find out?"

      I questioned, Kyla stepped forward and handed me her phone, she was on iMessages with Madeleine and they were discussing about Miguel.
   Of course they knew I had a crush on Miguel, I had my head in the clouds just like my mom said and that's what made it so obvious.

     "Madeleine said he's been hanging around this one girl a lot, he's been a little secretive about it as well and well, we connected the dots.."

       Kyla broke it down for me, I pursed my lips in a straight line and nodded my head, there's nothing I could and/or would do about it now.
    I can't just force someone to like me or feel the things that I feel, it's just not right.

    " I feel like a homewrecker just because I have a crush on him... "

      I mumbled as I grabbed Marceline's hand, we began to walk to the park as they tried to comfort me and make me feel better about the whole situation.
   Maybe Miguel didn't want me knowing because they probably just started dating and we just became friends, you normally don't spill everything to someone who just got to be your friend.

     I mean I wouldn't, I'd drop hints though only so it doesn't seem like I'm leading them on when I'm not.
   When we arrived the park, I hadn't noticed that Val had her Polaroid camera with her.

    "Wanna have a small photoshoot? I got three packs of Instax which is thirty photos altogether."

       Val was obviously better at math than all of us, even if it was just simple math.
     I agreed and we began to run around the park to take photos of one another, some came out blurry but we kept it because it looked like it was on purpose.

     We scattered around the park, having the literal time of our lives which helped me forget about Miguel having a girlfriend completely.
   Well, not completely but you get it.

   "I should become a photographer, look at how amazing these photos came out!"

    Val was gassing herself up which she usually does, but she wasn't lying about these photos.
   Although Val wouldn't be happy taking photos, she would probably do it only to travel the world for like two months and then quit the job.

    "These are amazing, Val."

     I complimented the photos, I loved the one where we were all hanging from the monkey bars with one hand and our free hand was putting up peace signs or the half heart sign.
   When we finished with the park and finished with the photos altogether, we decided to walk to Kyla's home for dinner and a hang out.

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