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Mu qing, for one, is avoiding Feng xin. And Feng xin is definitely NOT perturbed by it. Who cares if Mu qing is avoiding him? Won't that just bring him peaceful days? No yelling. No punching. No bruises. No Mu qing.

It should be okay.


Feng xin thought it'll just last for a day or two but it's been a whole week. It's been seven days since Mu qing started avoiding him. Feng xin never realized how listless his life would be without Mu qing. Never realized how they both did majority of things together. Like going on a mission, having dinner after an exhausting day of protecting the south, reporting back to Ling wen, all while fighting and bickering.

Certainly, they argue. A lot. And get into physical fights a lot. That's what they're known for. Feng xin remembers their last fight being a week ago. Just before Mu qing started doing whatever he's doing.

Feng xin wants to feed his ego and think that it's because Mu qing is too much of a pussy to face and fight him. But no. That'll be the last thing Mu qing will ever be. Mu qing does not cower. Not even when threatened by the former emperor himself. So he knows that that's not the case. Even if Mu qing himself tells him that (which ofcourse he wouldn't) he won't believe it.

So, even if Feng xin doesn't want to, he can't help but think. Why the fuck is Mu qing avoiding him?

He tells himself that he doesn't care because who wouldn't want a break from their neverending series of brawls right? But then again, Mu qing's sudden change of behavior is really disturbing.

Was there ever a moment where Mu qing avoided him? No. Never.

Well, when Feng xin first ascended, it would be an exaggeration to call it 'avoiding'. If anything, Mu qing just gave him the cold shoulder. Not giving him as much as glance when passing by each other on the streets or when in meetings. Unlike now, he never tried to flee whenever Feng xin comes in the scene. And it didn't even last long before he snapped. So what the fuck is going on now?

During the past few days, Feng xin deliberately tried to start a fight just to have something going on between them. But Mu qing doesn't even let him. The moment his eyes catches Feng xin approaching, he immediately leaves. And if Feng xin calls, it's like he's gotten deaf.

Feng xin is getting uncomfortable with the amount of insults and energy piled up in his system. Not having someone to pour it into.

Is Mu qing getting tired of fighting? Feng xin frowns at the idea. Heck, he's not the only one! But did Feng xin avoid him because of that? NO! Because if he did then what will be their relationship with each other? If they stopped fighting it's almost like they'll stop communicating. Since for all Feng xin knows, that's all they ever do. Even if Feng xin wants to stop. Even if he wants to care. Even if he yearns to. He can't. Because that's all they ever do. Fight.

And Feng xin doubts Mu qing is willing to be anything more than being his nemesis.

Normally, Ling wen pairs both of them up to descend and take care of some troublesome matters. But now, Feng xin doesn't know if he wants to break Ling wen's palace down or knock the piled up scrolls in her hall to show his frustration. Because for some reason, Ling wen also stopped putting them together. Only giving Feng xin solo missions. It's like even heaven is helping Mu qing avoid him.

It was already night when Feng xin ascends back to heaven after eradicating a pest. Marching the golden paved streets with pride. He's far too tired to even report to Ling wen but never too tired to fight Mu qing if ever the other comes knocking at his palace doors for a brawl. However, it is his duty to report. So, he made his way to the palace of Ling wen first.

Feng xin expected many things. Like how the bags under Ling wen's eyes must've worsened, or how another giant pile of scrolls probably added to Ling wen's pending work, or how her junior officials are sprawled down the floor- passed out because of the never ending workload, heck he even expects to find Pei ming there just to be annoying. And he did. But never did he expect that Mu qing will also be there. Eyes fluttering close whilst Pei ming gently pats and kneads his shoulder.

Feng xin watched how Mu qing opened his eyes and spat something that made the general of the North laugh. Watched how Mu qing lifts his hand to touch the part of his shoulder where Pei ming's hands previously rested and mumbled something that makes the latter smile and pat his head.

Feng xin's tiredness seems to disappear to thin air. With heavy footsteps, he marched to where the two are standing. And Pei ming, being a martial god that he is, immediately whipped his head around when he sensed the teeny bit of blood lust seeping out Feng xin's body.

"Xuan zhen." Pei ming called. And Feng xin for some reason wants to rip his vocal cords out his throat.

Mu qing also turned to glance and when he saw Feng xin approaching, eyebrows furrowed and lips tugged down, he sighed. "I'll get going General Pei." He only said and turned when he felt someone grip his arm.

Feng xin sees how Pei ming stopped Mu qing from leaving. But not for a good fucking reason when all they did was whisper to one another before he finally let Mu qing leave.

"MU QING." Feng xin demandingly called out. He was about to go after the man when Pei ming grabbed ahold of his wrist.

"Nan yang how's your mission? You look worn out. You best report to Ling wen and head back home yeah?"

Irritated, Feng xin pulls his wrist. "The fuck it's got to do with you?" He snaps. Not hiding the frustration in his eyes. Hearing this, Pei ming's eyes sharpened as he glared at Feng xin. Pei ming is known for having a long patience. Though it falls short when it comes to a certain obsessed ghost. But, aside from that person, he doesn't get mad as quickly.

"Nan yang. What exactly is it that you're looking for by calling out to Xuan zhen? A fight?" Pei ming asks after taking a deep breath.

YES. Feng xin thinks. If that's the only thing he could do to gain the others attention then yes. He's looking for a fight. But instead, Feng xin says. "And what if I am?"

With his response, he swears Pei ming looked hostile for a second. "If that's your motive whenever you approach Xuan zhen why don't you stop for the time being. You're head is so full of fighting you dont even know why he's so steadily avoiding you and why he thinks it's the most appropriate thing to do so in the first place." He nagged. He takes a deep breath and steadily releases a sigh. "Both of you are idiots. I already know that but please. Try to atleast communicate properly. Not with fists. It's getting hard watching you two." He finishes. Heavily patting Feng xin's shoulder before walking away. Leaving Feng xin dumbfoundedly looking at his retreating back.

What the hell was that? Did he just got told off by Pei ming? Did someone just tell him to stop approaching Mu qing? Why? And communicate? Everyone knows that'll never work out between them. It will just lead to havoc. After all that, Feng xin registers one thing. Pei ming knows why Mu qing is avoiding him. And if he does, certainly that person would know too.

With a determined gaze, Feng xin proceeded to do what he came here for in the first place.

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