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Mu qing's senses came back one by one. First, he feels cloth warming his skin. Second, he hears the scribbling sound of brush against a parchment paper. Third, he smells the familiar scent of his favorite incense stick. But he does not miss out the fact that he also faintly smelled a woody scent. And one person comes to mind.

Mu qing scrunched his face and slowly opened his eyes. The first thing greeting him is the familiar ceiling of his own chamber.


Why is he in his chamber? Startled, Mu qing attempted to sit up, only to be stopped by the stabbing pain from his right shoulder. And he flinched. Plopping back down the bed. And that much is enough to gain the attention of whoever dared stay in his bedroom, writing whatever the fuck he's writing.

"Mu qing?" And a second later, Feng xin came in his view. Eyes attentively inspecting him from head to toe. And maybe, maybe there's a glint of worry in them. Mu qing is quite taken aback.

Feng xin never looked at him that way. Not when he almost died multiple times in Mt. Tonglu, not when he almost died in one of their missions, not ever. Or maybe the other just hid it quite well. Either way, he doesn't know. Mu qing is quite taken aback.

"You're awake. Are you okay?" Mu qing blinks at him.

Why does he care? Or maybe he doesn't.

Feng xin snaps his fingers and raised his brow when Mu qing only stared at him. "Mu qing? Are you hurt? Does it hurt anywhere? Right. Wait. Water." Feng xin turned to the table and poured water on a jaded cup Mu qing personally loves and handed it to him. And Mu qing couldn't help but think how Feng xin used his favorite cup. It's only one. He only owns one of that kind of cup. And the pitcher is half empty. Implying that someone's been drinking from it. And there's only Feng xin.

How long has he been staying here?

Mu qing stared at the offered water for a second before reluctantly moving to take it. Wincing when he tried to take it with his right arm like how he always does, forgetting the condition the said arm is in. So instead, he extends his left and gulped the water down.

"Are you okay now? Does it hurt anywhere?" Feng xin asked after taking the cup back from Mu qing's grip and placing it back down the table.

"Why are you here?" Mu qing croaked. Surprised when he heard his own voice hoarse. How long was he unconscious for his throat to develop to such a state? It shouldn't be that long?

"You've been unconscious for a week." Feng xin stares at his eyes. Like he wants to uncover every little secret Mu qing had laying under those secretive orbs.

"Oh." Mu qing could only retort. And averted his gaze. "So? Why are you here?" Aren't you supposed to go celebrate your peaceful days or something? Mu qing doesn't say the latter part out loud but his face says it all. And Feng xin frowned.

"Why can't I be here?" He asks with a brow raised.

"I didn't say you can't. It's just fucking weird that you are. What. Did dianxia ask you to look after me?"


"Bullshit. If you're here just because Xie lian or someone else, maybe Ling wen or Pei ming- or whoever the fuck told you to then leave. I don't want you grumbling every second on how you should've been partying out there instead of locking yourself in my bedroom." Mu qing spat. Glaring at Feng xin. Right. He should be celebrating. Mu qing avoided him for a week. Then he's unconscious for another week. Now that's heaven. Everytime Mu qing sees Feng xin during the time he's still avoiding the man, the guys face is always crumpled in a pinched frown. And Mu qing, though badly wants to come up to him and remark about how stupid he looks, can't. And just ends up walking away before another fight emerges between them. He hates doing this but what can he do? Mu qing is in a state he can't afford to risk by coming up to Feng xin. Not when all they do is fight. "If you're looking for a brawl then kindly observe my state for three fucking seconds and if you're not that dumb to tell that I'm fucking physically unwell to be beating your ass off then leave."

Feng xin glared at him. Opening his mouth to maybe chop him up with words but as if remembering something, closes it again. And for a second, Feng xin looked uncomfortable. "It's not... No one fucking asked me to dammit. Xie lian fucking told me that he's busy and can't make it here so he wants updates on how you're doing but he could've asked Ling wen for that. He asked me because he knows I'm staying with you. Fucking on my own accord." Feng xin babbled, face twisting.

Mu qing observed him all the while. And his lips tug down to an unhappy frown. "Don't force yourself." He spats. Feng xin clearly looks uncomfortable. Why is he doing this? He should've just left if he dislikes the idea of being with Mu qing that much.

That statement seemed to cut the little thread of patience Feng xin had and he immediately cursed. "Fuck you! I wasn't fucking forced okay?! It's just... I don't want to fucking spell it out infront of your face that I want to take care of you! God fucking dammit!" Feng xin exclaimed. Throwing his hand in the air as if resigned. And Mu qing stares at him dumbfoundedly.

"Stop fucking looking at me like that you fucking asshole!" Feng xin points at him before placing his palm on Mu qing's forehead. "Lay down. Your temperature's still ridiculously high." Feng xin huffs and assists Mu qing down, careful not to touch his injured shoulder. The annoyed frown not leaving his face.

So that's why Mu qing feels weak all over and not just his shoulder. He caught a fever. Without much things to do, Mu qing closed his eyes and felt the circulation of his spiritual energy. Only to be slapped by the fact that it's almost as if not there. Bewildered, Mu qing snaps his eyes open and raised his left fist. Opening and closing it, trying to gather up even a small amount of energy. Color drained from his face when nothing comes out. "Feng xin." He calls out. Eyes panicked when he met Feng xin's eyes. "My? It's gone?" He asks and tried to sit up, ignoring the pain of his body. Seeing him, Feng xin immediately came closer and supported his back.

"What is it?" Feng xin asked.

Mu qing looked down his left hand and tried again but to no avail, he felt nothing. Now he's really scared. "Feng xin. My cultivation. I can't-" He tries again. And he felt water gather in his eyes. "I can't feel anything."

Stop fighting, start loving • fengqing • TGCF •Where stories live. Discover now