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Clarisse trotted down the halls of the guild with Zahavi by her side; it took a little getting used to. Streamers were hung everywhere along with the banquet table being set up for a party. She wore a dress that she borrowed from Luna. "Hey Clarisse!" Opal called from the dining room. She was sitting next to Obsidian and Shade smiling. Clarisse gave a small smile and waved. "Birthday hug!" Luna smiled, jumping at her and embracing her. "Thanks," Clarisse laughed. "18th birthday, how does it feel?" Orion smiled at her. "Pretty much the same but nice that you all care so much" Clarisse smiled back. A ding on the door indicated the rest of the party guests were here. Regina wore her red bow along with a black and red dress. "Hey Regina, nice dress," Clarisse smiled. "Thanks!" Regina purred. Eclipse stared at Shade for a moment before embracing him anyway. Twilight purred and followed her mom into the dining room. Moonspark and his dad laughed with each other and sat next to Obsidian. Starshine and Aztec were next to arrive with Lux and Lana who surprisingly weren't arguing at all. "Hey Clarisse!" Lana called running over to her friend. Lux followed his sister and waved. "Hi you two, nice to see you" Clarisse smiled. Starshine awkwardly stared at Twilight. Twilight looked at her and gave a slight smile and motioned to the seat next to her. Starshine reluctantly sat next to Twilight, something she'd never done before in years. Rosabelle and Phoenix ran over to Everest and Sonny who looked just as excited to see them. "Rosie I missed you so glad you could make it" Everest embraced her sister. "Nix it feels like forever since I last saw you" Sonny chuckled while hugging his friend. Blossom, Frost, and Thunder were next to arrive. They waved and walked inside the dining room. Pixie walked over to Clarisse and hugged her. "Clarisse happy birthday!" Pixie laughed. "Thanks Pix," Clarisse nodded. Clarisse began to walk to the dining hall when another ding on the door caught her attention. "I- um wanted to say happy birthday" Blizzard the articuno awkwardly hobbled inside. Everyone laughed at the legendary bird trying to find a place to sit. Clarisse sat at the front next to Zahavi who had evolved the other day. Zahavi was proud of his evolution as he mirrored his father almost perfectly. He kissed her cheek as she sat down. Clarisse gave him a small smile. Wisp smiled and walked into the room carrying a birthday cake that read: Happy 18th Birthday Clarisse. Wisp sat the cake down in front of her and took her seat next to Sonny. Clarisse took in a deep breath and blew out the candles when everyone was done singing 'Happy Birthday' to her. As soon as she did her body began to sparkle. Clarisse looked in the mirror at herself a shiny alolan ninetales. She smiled at everyone who clapped and cheered for her. Zahavi smiled at her and kissed her, this time a real deep kiss. She returned his motion but couldn't stop herself from smiling while she did so. She trotted over to the window and looked up at the sky. She could almost feel her parents' proud faces as she looked at the clouds. Snow began to fall from the sky and she smiled. 

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