after care

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Kinn pov
I felt weak I couldn't move nor open my eyes I felt like my head was going to explode. Ah where am I?everything hurts I was trying to open my eyes but I really couldn't my head was in too much pain.

End of kinn pov

Gemini pov
"Am sorry " the doctor said I felt my body go cold and I felt weak i felt like crying "doctor please tell me that you are kidding" I said "guys you haven't let me finish my sentence" he said "kinn is out of risk is just he will need a lot of care and a lot of time to regain his strength" he answered. I felt relieve hit my body I felt like my soul came back to my body.

Why was I so scared?why am I so worried?didn't I hated kinn? Why do i even hate him?Aish what is this feeling I feel like I need to repay him and take care of him now I really should.

"Doctor are we aloud to see him?" I asked "one person at a time is aloud in please be careful when you go in and try not to make so much noice we need him to be calm and relaxed" he answered "can I please go first ?" I said while looking at my father and kinn father " yes son you can" my father answered.

The doctor guide me to where kinn was located I open the door and went inside his room I looked at kinn he looked so pale and so tired I went close to him and hold his hand "kinn am sorry,I am really sorry " I said while tears dropped from my face "I shouldn't have stayed there I should have went out and help you guys this wouldn't have happened If I had to go help you guys I am also leader of my clan it is my responsibility to keep everyone safe" I said while sobbing I felt his fingers move and I quickly opened my eyes "kinn" I said I saw him trying to move so I quickly called the doctor.

"Doctor kinn is awake" I screamed the doctor came quickly and checked on kinn he took his blood pressure and made sure that there was nothing bad happening with him " he's in better condition now just make sure that he won't make to much movement" the doctor said "of course doctor " I answered and he left the room.

"Kinn how do you feel?" I asked "Gemini?" Is that you he said while softly opening his eyes "yes kinn is me" I said "how are you feeling" I asked "I feel weak I feel like I can't move what happened?" He said "kinn you were shot I only found out when I went out because I didn't hear no more shots and I saw our dad's standing by you" I said while holding he's hand "kinn why didn't you let me help you huh?I was supposed to help you If you didn't live me there this wouldn't have had happened" I said he hold my hand tighter and said " why would I? I told you I wanted you to be safe I wanted you to be out of danger am glad am the one here in this bed instead of you" he said.

I felt my heart soften "why kinn?why did you do it? I thought you hated my family my father said that you didn't wanted us to make deals with your Clan at all he said that you despised us with your whole soul why kinn just why then?" I said while he looked at me with soft eyes "take a sit please I would love to tell you a story" he said I weirdly looked at him but I did what he said.

"Let me start from the beginning when I was 15 years old your Clan decided to make deals with us and at that time I didn't care nor pay attention to anything I just thought dad was making deals like always my dad decided to unite our clan with yours and one day your clan decided to betray us and sold all our information to the enemy clan at that time your grandpa was the head of the clan and I always thought he was a nice and intelligent person until one day because of him the enemy clan decided to attack us" he said I looked at him surprised with everything he was telling me I couldn't believe it I thought this was the first time our clan made deals with them.

" but you see at that time my mother was outside gardening like she always did she was a sweat and beautiful woman she would always take really good care of us" I noticed tears dropping from his face and I was shocked because it is my first time seeing him this sad " when the shooting started all the man from the enemy clan had I'll ready break in the mansion I tried to get my mom but I was too late your grandpa had ill ready shot her when I got there that when all my rage started I was gonna shot him but dad got him first and I just saw him drop to the floor".

I couldn't believe why would grandpa ever do that now I see why kinn seems like such a cold and serious person" Atlas" he said and I didn't understand what he meant "that was the nickname my mother gave me she would always call me by that name but since then I always go by my real name because I hated anyone else apart from my mother calling me by that nickname" he said " and now you know why I didn't wanted to make deals with your clan I wanted to kill and make your clan dissappear when I first found out dad had decided to make deals with you guys " he said while looking at me.

"But when you entered that room that day I couldn't help but think that you were the most beautiful and attractive person I had ever lay down eyes on since then I got to meet your family and knew that you guys were nothing like him" he said I was shocked by he's words but I let him speak again " If you hate me I hope one day you won't anymore I don't know why you even hate me but I really want to get along with you I really do Gemini" I heard him say " and I know this might be to early and you can ignore everything I said and will say after but I really need to tell you that I like you I really like you not like friends but I want us to be together I want to protect you I want to keep you safe I want you by my side" I was so shocked by every word that kept coming out of his mouth I just I couldn't believe it.

"I am sorry I.. you Probably don't want to get close to me anymore after what I had just said" he said I quickly stood up and hug him I don't know what got into me but I hugged him so tightly.

End of Gemini pov

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