Let's get something straight!

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Hello you wonderful mystery readers!

 I can not believe you had the patience to wait for this book and pat yourself on the back for reading  Zip because it wasn't easy I'm sure! Well maybe it was because you all seem to read my stuff with incredible speed! You know, I timed one of you after I posted one of my chapters and it took you three minutes to read and vote on a 2,678 word chapter so that was insane! 

Hopefully this story is just as good as the original! I mean, same author, just one week later. This entire week I've been writing like a crazy woman and have managed to get quite a few chapters ready for you all!  

I have taken into account all of your votes on my question and wasn't sure at first but I'm loving it more that I write! 

I'm a pretty wacky publisher and think that I'm gonna save you guys the guessing game and tell you how often I will be publishing chapters! I think I will be publishing up to three chapters a week, depending on how I feel I guess! That means I could post just one chapter a week or three! 

Author notes like this do not count because I know you're here for the story! Not this extra dumb junk! 

Because you guys are awesome and I'm biased, I am publishing two chapters today along with this note! Obviously I didn't want to wait forever and a half because I was supposed to publish the story after a full seven days which would be the 27th but instead I'm posting the 24th because I am an impatient little bugger!

Finally! For the long waited, long aspired, long written, and those commendable notebooks filled with stupid details that will never be mentioned.......

Enjoy your chapter one!!!!!!

A Glitch In The System (Book 2 of the Zip Series) Where stories live. Discover now