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Tallinn, Estonia Kayla is in with her family living safely with her newborn baby Violet with Emily as the sister.

The girls were soon found and a family became neighbors to another. The two become neighbors to others and soon enough population of the living grown to a size of a village.

Meanwhile... Aaron's and Mara's baby raven is being raised by another family. She became nothing like her biological parents. Although something else lurked beneath these girls and their family.

A man named Alpha first born of Aaron and Mala. Had just as much evil inside of himself as his parents had. He wanted and felt a need to finish what they started. To break the world and keep humanity dead and dying.

No one had a clue what's coming. Neither did Kayla and her family.

UnDead 3

Alpha a rogue person knew where he had to head. Looking at the map he threw his pencil and it in seconds hit through the paper map attached to a billboard breaking a hole. "I will get them." He said. Having no idea where to search for the family he's searching for exactly. All he knew is that he knew it's in Tallinn, Estonia.

In Tallinn.... Amy and Kayla were out as Emily grew up to be old enough to be on her own. "It's great to finally feel safe with a a village of people than a small group doesn't it?" Kayla said. "Yes it does." Amy said. Eating a meal they were enjoying their time. Emily, back at home is eating herself dinner. A rice meal with Meat and corn and carrots. She ate it and washed her dishes.

"So. How about we take a walk after this." Amy said to her newly fiancé. "Of course. I'd love that." Kayla said. They paid for dinner and left the restaurant. "That food was good." Said Kayla. "I know right." Amy said. "It feels great not having to eat flesh anymore." Said Amy. "Bblghr it's actually been so long I can't believe I use to do that." She said. "How did you even love me enough to not mind that part of me?" Amy asked. "Well. Let's just say I looked at the other things about you. Like how much we had in common." Kayla asked.

Just with Alpha not far came his way over. Kayla and Amy walked and Emily at home with Violet. "Vi!" Said Emily. Violet came over out of her bedroom. "Yes Emily." She said. "Want to watch a movie?" Emily asked. Violet happily joined in.

It is just evening with the sun among the sea setting Amy and Kayla at the beach enjoyed their time.

Then an hour later when they started to head back chaos came upon the village. Alpha has arrived.

"Where is Thomas! Bring me Madison! Anyone tell me where this family is and I'll spare you." He said. "Listen, whoever you are, Thomas and Madison saved us from an evil dying with it." Said a man. "So where's there offspring then?" Alpha asked with no response said. "No one's gonna tell me?" He said brutally. "We stand for her and her family. We won't let you take her." Said the friend of the family. "So be it. Hybrids, bring me the girl." Alpha said. They did and starting with family separation and burning down the whole village. Alpha saw the wall he came in through and tore a hole in it. Turned came through. Many of them came in. Silencers, regular, crawlies, climbers, runners, and a whole new kind of Turned "Betas".

Giving Alpha his name he's the obviously Alpha of the Betas they are all of turned versions in one corpse that can survive the cold. The Turned and Betas ran in and everyone ran away like sardines swimming away from a hungry great white.

Flames all over the village, and kids of families separated, with turned all over it one of the people running saw Kayla and Amy at the shore beach. He ran over to them. "Hey. Why weren't you in the village. Thanks to you we lost are only home refuge to some idiot looking for you 2." He said. "Paul, who is this man?" Kayla said. "I don't know. He just burst the wall down separating us leaving nothing but houses in fire and Turned invading the whole place. I don't know his name but he doesn't look pretty. A huge scar across his right eye to his left side of his lip. An arctic white skin color with a brown short beard and somewhat decomposed with a broken up brown t-shirt." He said. "You too better get home he's searching you too and if he gets to your kids. Well then, may god have mercy on your souls." He said. The man's girlfriend shouted for him to hurry. He went and ran along.

Kayla and Amy stared only for a second and started running to their home. Only taking 7 minutes they arrived but so did Alpha. "Emily, Violet! Come on! We need to g-" said Kayla seeing Alpha holding and suffocating Emily from her neck. He looked at her. "Well well well. Look who decided to join us? You must be Kayla." He said. "What do you want from me?" She said. "Oh nothing just your family. You're parents took my family away so I will do the same. They foiled their plan but I'm here to finish it." He said.

Before Kayla could speak a cage flung out and captured Amy. The betas grabbed a hold of Kayla. "No. Let me go! Aaugh!" She tried to settle with it then her battle instincts came in. "Let, me go!" She said elbow punching a beta and ran off.

Alpha all ready out of the building the Betas didn't know how to tell this to Alpha.

They brought in Amy anyway. "Where's the other girl? Where's Kayla?!" He said. "We lost her she fought her way through us." They said. "You fools you realize what this means. Even one of them gone will break the whole thing. You'll never know if she'll make a clan like her parents did. We must find her and end her before she does the same thing. We can't let her escape." He said. "Kayla will beat the f*ck^n sh^t out of you when she comes back." Said Emily to Alpha. "That's where you're wrong you see these zombies the Betas. They're living turned. Surging cold temperatures, ability to speak, run, climb, crawl, be silent. If she comes I'll know it before I see her." He said. "Oh and one more thing. Say hello to my sister. Hey little one tell us your name." Alpha said. "Raven." She said. Amy leaped up from the ground to a Betas face and scratched his face." Amy still had her killer instincts from before. She circled her cage and but the betas foot. Chewing it she swallowed. The Beta yelped in pain. "F*ck you. Little piece of sh*t give me back my ankle." Said a Beta with its mouth spitting saliva and blood on her. "Hey. Leave her alone." Alpha said. "You're a hybrid." He said. "No I just have a natural thing of eating fresh bitten human turned." She said.

Alpha chuckled and said to Kayla's family. "We'll get comfortable because you're staying until I bring Kayla back here." He said.

With Turned all over and a new breed of them and Alpha in control the world is due to end for sure and have turned roam. Unless Kayla can find a way to end it and get her family back.

Gone she ran so far she made it back to the Eiffel Tower. Never has she gone this fast to escape someone. Taking a boat as well she couldn't bare what she did though. She stopped and had to rest. She cried knowing she lost her family and that the place is torn apart. She can't go back because she knows there's death for her. Her family though captured hoping for her to return. Hoping for freedom. They want out but she feels she can't she doesn't want to lose her life and she doesn't want her family under Alphas reign of terror.

She doesn't know what to do. She's scared. She never felt this feeling before. "I don't know what to do. I can't go back. But I know they're counting on me. They need me. But if I go I'll die. If I don't I'm alone." She said up on against the tower crying her head on it. She feels nothing but sorrow, confusion, anger, sad. So many emotions in her head. "Calm down Kayla calm down." She said to herself in third person. then she saw something. Her father's corpse and Mara's too. She felt so much anger she started beating Mara's corpse into smithereens. She then walked up to her Father's corpse. "Hi daddy. I wish you were here. I need you with me. You'd know what to do. What do I do?" She said. "Wait." She said staring at his rotting heart. She put her hand in her dead father and took out his heart. She smothered in a greenish yellow fluid that came off of Mara. Still the substance still there for so long Kayla smothered his heart in it. She than put it back in her dead father. "Please let this work." She said. She stayed for a good time 30 minutes then another hour later she heard breathing.

A huge gasp of air after Thomas saw his last moment of life as a human seeing himself fall with Mara and getting eaten by Turned. Thomas is alive again.

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