Chapter Fifteen: Heather

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El explained what she saw that night, but the girls decided to wait till the next day to do anything about it.


"It's gonna start pouring soon." Max says, walking hand in hand with Ava, while El is standing next to her.

"We should be at the mall, or like, watching a movie or something." Max scoffs, making Ava nod in agreement. Ava wanted to do something kids should normally be doing, but she couldn't get her mind off of the girls screaming.

"You don't believe me?" El asks, turning to Max. "I believe you saw some super weird stuff, totally," Max says, "But you said Mike has sensed you in there before, right?" Max asks, getting a nod from El.

"So maybe it was just like that. Maybe Billy just.. Sensed you. Somehow." Max says, trying to convince herself.

"But the screams." El says, making Ava turn to her. "Yeah, i know, but here's the thing," Max says, "When Billy is alone with a girl," Max continues, making Ava groan in disgust. "Come on, it's true! They make, like, really crazy noises." Max goes on.

"They scream?" El asks, "Yeah, but like.. Happy screams." Max says, "Oh my god, Max!" Ava says. "Happy screams? What is happy screams?" El asks. "It's like.." Max goes on, "Max, i swear if you say anything else." Ava says, staring Max in the eyes.

Max just stares back and sighs, "I'm just gonna lend you my mom's Cosmo." Max says, turning to El. They arrive at Max's house.

"His car's not here." Max says, making El look at the house suspiciously. "You really want to do this?" Max asks the two girls, earning nods from both.

They walk into Billy's room, it smelt of cigarettes and cologne. His room had crushed beer cans everywhere, and there was some heavy metal playing.

"Why do i get the feeling we're gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?" Max says. Ava looked around the room, and was curious on the dart board because she liked darts.

Max opened Billy's drawer, revealing some disturbing magazines. "Ugh, gag me with a spoon." Max says, disgustedly. Making Ava smirk at her, "Ava, I swear, leave your thoughts to yourself!" Max says, pushing past her, making Ava laugh.

The three girls walk into the bathroom, the bathtub was filled with water and ice. "Guys?" El says, making them walk towards the tub.

Max picks up an empty ice bag. "Ice. It's just ice." Max says, "Probably for his muscles or something, he works out like a maniac." Max finishes, examining the empty ice bag.

El looks over at the kitchen cupboard, and sees blood on one of them. Ava looked over at El, and looked at the cupboard too. Her breath became hitched, and she started to get goosebumps.

Ava opens it, El and Max watching close behind. "Ava, what is it?" Max asks, Ava picks up a bucket that had something inside. Ava picks up a lifeguard patch that has a couple blood stains, as well as a whistle that's stained with blood.

Ava turns around, holding the whistle, showing the two.


The three girls went to the pool, but not to swim, to figure out whatever happened to Heather, and what Billy has to do with it.

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