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Hello, everyone!! As always, I am starting my new work with an A/N. This is mostly to tell others that there are two other works in this series. One of them is my original work and is complete and the other is the first part of the entire series. I highly suggest at least reading the latter, however, I can not control you or what you do.

There is also a few things I cleared up in that work that I would like to reiterate:

1) This is a Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort work. There may be other ships and whatever, but this will be the main romance and any other ones will be unimportant and likely will not have chapters dedicated to them. If you would like them to be more involved, tell me, but I make no promises.

2) This part will definitely have smut in it. And to be more specific, gay smut between one older man and a minor that is sixteen. This is completely legal in this world as they are mates and Hadrian is a creature that has a heat cycle.

3) Speaking of a huge age gap and warnings, I have a few warnings in the tags but a majority of warnings will vary and be listed at the end of every chapter. I will try to warn if there is anything with a big warning in the beginning notes but all warnings along with other information will be in the endnotes.

4) This is a bad Light side and good Dark side fic. Dumbledore bashing and general Light character bashing will be in this fic, this will also include some mild muggle bashing. Dumbledore will be manipulative and cruel, and so will most of the main characters on the light side. If you do not like this, leave now.

5) Finally, I am a dyslexic writer. If that is not an oxymoron I don't know what it is, but it is true and my life. For those who don't know what dyslexia is, by definition it is "a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence." I have worked with a professional for many years and have learned to enjoy writing. That being said, some days are worse than others and I will mess up and write things incorrectly. All I ask is for a kind comment on whatever it is I had messed up.

Thank you all for listening/reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! As always, I love you all, and stay safe!! :)
~Gabrielle <3

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