Halloween Rituals

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# of Words (w/ notes): 755 words

Summary: ***Cliffhanger Warning***

Halloween Time! And maybe a little bit of Necromancy, just a tiny bit.

Notes: Hello all! Here is the next part of this series. Just a reminder, there was a chapter posted as a new chapter 3, so make sure you go back and read it. Enjoy!


"Today, class, we will be revising Boggarts and the Boggart-banishing spell. Turn to page sixty-seven and read till page ninety-three," Hermione raises her hand but Professor Umbridge ignores her and continues, "When you are finished I require a five-page essay on the Bogart and another five pages on the banishing curse for it. All essays are expected on my desk by Wednesday morning."

I let out a quiet laugh as Hemione's hand was still raised and waving wildly. The Pink Toad, as many students tend to refer to Umbridge as simply ignores her and sits at her desk. After thirty or so minutes, most of the class, including me, have finished the reading and are now starting the essay. Since this is only a review the work should not be too hard and I can spend more time talking with my mate tonight unless something else comes up.

Most of the days are the same with little change sprinkled throughout, but today is special, it is Halloween. I have been reading more about my Magical inheritance, at the insistence of Tom and Luna. Halloween typically does not bring great fondness for me, but the first step into officially starting my Necromancer inheritance can only happen on Halloween.

In the past wizards and witches performed a ritual on Halloween to communicate with their deceased loved ones. This was made possible because of the boundary of life and death thinning. According to Luna, the once-a-year communication strengthens Death, but with the rituals being banned in the last few decades he has lost that extra strength he used to have. I will be able to form a one-on-one connection with Death tonight and gain the full powers of a Necromancer.


"What separates a Potential Necromancer and Necromancers/ True Necromancers is Death claiming them as such. Only strong Dark wizards with a full soul are able to become Necromancers; they must also perform a ritual where they promise themselves to Death and to only use Necromancy for good and just reasons."


The book I had gotten a while back confirmed as much but did not include the ritual needed. Luckily Tom had an old book that did. Since I had finished all my homework in advance, I am able to skip lunch and my study periods to start preparing for my first ritual. Luna kindly offered to cover my absence by claiming I wasn't feeling well.

Drawing the ritual circle took many hours, and by the end, I was sweaty, dissolved, and covered in many different colors of chalk. But I still had thirty minutes before dinner in the Grand Hall, so I could take a shower. So I quickly sneaked down to the Slytherin dorms, successfully avoiding Hufflepuffs and Slytherins alike with a few stealth spells Tom and Luna had been showing me.

"Hey, Hadrian. You feeling better after your nap?" Balise asks as I step into the common room.

"Yeah, I just never feel so good on Halloween."

"Oh, I'm sorry- I didn't even-sorry-" Balise's posture suddenly stiffens as he stumbles out an apology.

'Wha-' I think before I realize and quickly explain, "No-it's- it's not really because of that. Well, I mean maybe, but it's more because I have exceedingly bad luck on Halloween."

"Oh, ok. I didn't really want to bring it up, but-"

"Hadrian!" Pansy suddenly squeals as she runs to hug him around his neck, squeezing him to her chest. "We thought you died or were kidnapped or something!"

"No, I'm completely fine and right here," he chuckles as she moves down to squish their faces together.

"I mean you don't exactly have the best record of staying out of trouble on Halloween and you did disappear after our last class," Draco butts in to save me from Pansy fawning over me.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to worry. I simply wasn't feeling well and decided to come back to the dorms to take a nap.

"Well, I know just the thing to make you feel better-" she pauses for effect as she drags him off the chair he was sitting in before saying "-a delicious piece of treacle tart, before dinner!"

And so Pansy drags him out of the Slytherin Common Room with Draco and Balise following close behind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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