Hogsmeade Trip

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Summary: Harry and Luna go to Hogsmeade and meet a certain someone ;)
# of Words w/ notes: 2165 words
Note: Finally getting to update!! I hope you enjoy the new chapter. A/N at the end if you would like to read it :)


Chapter 3: Hogsmeade Trip

Before I know it, an entire month passes and it is almost time for the first Hogsmeade trip. Tom and I decided to keep an eye on Luna and see what she would do, and so far she has not mentioned anything about my inheritance. I and the other Slytherins had also grown closer, even more so than the five years I had previously spent with my old 'friends.'

I had asked Luna to come with me to Hogsmeade, via Tom's request so that we can work out if she is a friend or foe. From what I have observed and relayed to Tom, he thinks that she might be a Seer, and I don't mean the fake kind like Professor Trewany. A seer would always be a valuable friend to have, especially in a time of war, but I am not just being kind to her because of that. She truly is delightful to be around and always tells about Nargles and other random creatures that most can't see. She also has a calming effect that I always feel when in her presence.

There is also a new teacher for DADA, as there is every year. Unlike all the previous teachers that filled her role, she was from the Ministry. From last year, and Tom, I have learned about how corrupt and incorrect the British Ministry of Magic was; and just like her employer, so was Madame Umbridge. She luckily mostly focused on the Gryffindors and did not recognize me because of my name change. In the first class we had, Hermione and Ron opposed her and received two weeks of detention. At this rate, they will be having detention with her all year. Draco and some of the others have also started to help her, but that was mostly so that she would leave us Slytherins out of her mind.

I'm already sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, waiting for Draco and my other housemates to join me before the trip; but as usual, Luna has already situated herself by me and makes small talk with the few other Slytherins near us.

"Morning, Hadrian," Balise says as he slots into the seat next to me. Theo, Draco, and Pansy also find a seat and start putting food onto their plates. We all continue to eat and chat until we are all finished with breakfast.

Luna and I split up from the rest of our group as we get to the edge of the small town near Hogwarts. Luna and I travel to all the bigger shops first before I lead us farther into the city where Tom said he would meet us.

"Luna, I want you to meet..." I fall quiet for a bit trying to think about what I should refer to my mate as, that is before Luna finishes for me, "your mate."

"Yes, my mate," I agree.

"He is, to talk with me?" she lightly questions in her sing-songy tone.


"He is very possessive, isn't he? But don't worry, I can be quite persuasive," what she responds with surprises me, but I choose not to comment any further until we join Tom.

She stops just as I was about to tell her that my mate had asked to meet us here, but I suppose she would already know that. A warm body tightly hugged me around the waist and before I could turn around to see who it was, a deep, warm voice states, "You must be the Ms. Lovegood my little mate talks about."

"Yes, I am."

"And what is it that you intend to do with him?"

"I am a friend sent by Lady Magic, I'm to help Hadrian and you."

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