Search & Rescue Pt 2

157 9 2

Flashback #1

"I don't get it,'re FREE: back on the market and free to take advantage of all the hot men eager for your company which I notice that you are not 'leaning into' AT ALL...what gives?"

"He's GONE, Maya. He...he's not at our h-h-house-it's EMPTY and th-there's a for sale sign in the yard...I asked Warren and Dr.
Webber but he swore them to secrecy. Ripley HATES ME, of course so there's no point asking him "...

It's Bishop's turn to roll her eyes. Rather than make a comment she takes a large swig of beer from her bottle and remains silent.

"I have to find him, Maya: make him see that I'm not the same woman that I was: I DON'T WANT to 'lean into' that behaviour any more; it's probably why we're both divorced in our thirties and still bar-hopping."

"WHOA...HARSH ! But probably true!" Maya Bishop admitted. "What's your point?"

"Isn't it obvious?", Andrea "Andy" Herrera retorts. "THAT'S WHY I don't 'lean in' and dive into bed with the first hot rando who comes along- you're on your own for 'self-care' Wednesdays."

"Yeahhh...that's a bridge too far, Ands: the man is GONE and so is the woman; we two are the hottest recent divorcees in the Emerald City: if you're so miserable single why did you file?"

"What the LIVING FUCK??!! You; Carina; Gibson: you three were the main assholes pushing me to do that! You picked and picked at me: 'he undermined you; he 'back-doored' Bishop'; 'Ooh, Ooh!: he's ruthless and puts his career first over you.' Over and over until the constant chorus of 'you should file on him'! and my own anger combined so that I did the stupidest, most foolish, irrational, and lame-brained thing I've ever done and there's a list of those misadventures a mile long: such as storming Acting Chief McCallister's office that night-in my trauma/fueled and irrational state of mind I blamed him for my transfer when it wasn't his fault at all...when my Papi's memorial engine burned was when I decided and you all got what you wanted...I'm HERE and el amor de mi vida :the love of my life is gone and I have no idea where. He won't answer my calls or texts."

End Of Flashback

"Robert: we're won't be long now," said Andy, pausing to attempt contact with Sullivan.

"Robert...come in!" she said, starting to panic.

"STEADY ON, HERRERA!," Lucas said sharply, hearing her breath begin to hitch through his earbud. "Steady on! Sully-it's not far now; can you bang on something to pin-point your location for Herrera?"

A ragged gasp from his friend, then a groan before he said: "I-I TOLD you I don't want her here...OR YOU...g-get out b-before the...the next collapse, Luke...PLEASE, Man...I'm done; we both k-know t-that...Mr. Fuckin' P-Protocol..."

"Too late, My Man...tap on something; let your wife know where you are..."

Robert laughs bitterly, and chokes a bit. "I don't have a wife-and since you're determined to be in the shit with me...get YOUR ASS in h-here I don't want that bitch anywhere near m-me...unless it's close enough so that the cave-in gets her random dick-suckin' ass when it gets me..."

"Can't was either Hughes, Noonan or Hererra-the way is too narrow otherwise and the first two are OOC-hey...was that your PASS unit? Give me a status on your O2. SULLY!"

"H-Huh? Oh...ten mikes...I I...have to fly...over...every town...up 'n down...the...line..."

"Get there, Lieutenant! He's delirious and we can't take the ten miles of O2 as accurate!"

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