Chapter Six

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The next month was grand. Valerie trained with her troupe and seemed to improve even more. deWynstryngham was kind to her and she flirted with the idea he might even have feelings for her. Though, she was not sure if she had feelings for him or not. He was certainly handsome though, and a gentleman, and treated her as an equal on and off the training ground.

The other trainees treated her with more respect than they had previously. Valerie first thought this was due to her rise in status, but Gillam believed they were actually just taking her more seriously with the knowledge she would rather be one of them than a 'stuffy princess'.

Sir Gillam gathered the trainees around one afternoon and indicated they take a knee.

"As you all know – lord knows we've heard about it enough – it is Lord deWynstryngham's eighteenth birthday this week."

The men 'hurrahed' and patted deWynstryngham on the back.

The next week, deWynstryngham was holding a dance at his parents' estate and he had asked Valerie to accompany him. She was looking forward to it, and held high hopes that her dress would be just as beautiful as the one for her father's ball.

"Yes, yes. Hurrah," Gillam continued, waving his hand for quiet. "It has been decided that, in this circumstance, the usual time for graduation would be waived and deWynstryngham will be promoted to Senior Corps the day after his birthday."

There was a great cheer from the men this time, but Valerie's heart and stomach fell. She had been dreading this day, for she guessed that she would not be promoted early, let alone if her father and the Council allowed her promotion at all.

"In light of the good news, and given you will all be rubbish now, you can have the afternoon off." The men began to exclaim in excitement, but Gillam held up a hand for silence. "However, I would look favourably upon any trainee who decided to put that time in wrestling or free-training." He smiled as the men ran off and began jostling one another.

Valerie stood, dejected, not sure if she wanted to pummel a training dummy or go to bed.

"What's the matter?" Gillam asked, though he looked at her as though he knew.

"I won't be promoted early on my birthday."

"Ah, now..." Gillam fidgeted. "We don't know that, Val."

"We do know that, Gillam. All the other trainees will be promoted on their birthdays, or at the end of June. While, I will have to wait and see if I get promoted at all."

Gillam put a hand on her shoulder. "I know how much you wanted to be a knight, Valerie. But fact is, things have changed."

"Father was a knight when he was younger. He only isn't now because they gave him a position on the Privy Council."

"That as may be. But you are the last Mor in line for the throne... Until you have babies." He coughed and Valerie cringed. "Unless you want to risk giving the throne to a foreigner, we have to keep you protected. Not to mention all the political training you will have to catch up on now."

Valerie sighed. Plotting had begun on how she could convince her father to let her stay on in the Senior Corps.

"Is there no chance?" she asked.

"I wouldn't say there's no chance. You know your father will let you if he can."

Valerie nodded, knowing he was right. Henry loved her more than anything, and knew how much being a knight meant to her. She did know, full well, that he would do anything and everything to let her join the Senior Corps and be a full-fledged knight...if he was able.

Valiant Valerie (the Ballad of Valerie of Mor Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now