Chapter 3

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The next few days were disturbingly silent in the cookie kingdom. The sudden snow ruined many schedules of very busy cookies and ruined the jobs of those who worked on the fields. Herb was all too familiar with his current condition, seeing as he was completely unprepared for the early winter. Herb and Snow Sugar stayed inside for quite some time, but it was a matter of time until Snow Sugar would want to go outside to play.

Herb was in the kitchen sipping a freshly brewed cup of cocoa; this had become a daily occurrence for Herb. Snow Sugar was heard running over to Herb.

"Herb cookie!" Snow Sugar called to Herb, "can I go outside? I even put on an extra coat just to be safe!"

Herb glanced outside the window, "You may, just be careful out there. The weather has only been getting worse, and you know the state my friends are in..."

Snow Sugar nodded, "I know. I promise I won't touch a single flower."

"Good, come home in time for lunch, I had something special planned for you."

"Okay! See you Herb!"

Herb was still staring outside, "Goodbye."

With that said, Snow Sugar excitedly ran towards the door and prepared themselves for the weather, wrapping their coat tightly before bracing for impact. Twisting the knob, the door swung open and Snow Sugar walked down the steps onto the snow covered sidewalk, making their way through the town.

Snow Sugar wasn't too bothered by the silence of the city streets, but that alone was odd. Ever since the snow came in, special events and schools were cancelled multiple times in a row, not that Snow Sugar even cared about either one. In fact, Snow Sugar was more than happy for the early winter snow considering winter was their favorite season. They also got to do their favorite activity during this time of the year: snowball fights.

Snow Sugar eventually made it to a small shop on the corner of the street and walked in through its glass door, letting a little bell ring right above the door.

"Welcome!" A voiced called out from inside, "I'll be there in just a minute."

Snow Sugar patiently waited at the front of the shop, observing their surroundings.

The shop was filled with colorful bottles and trinkets that were hung by strings. Shelves were filled with bottles and plants that had their vines hang off the side; nothing that Snow Sugar had ever seen in Herb's garden. As Snow Sugar looked around, there was a noticeable smell of burning wood in the back of the shop, along with the smell of grapes.

"Almost done!" The voiced called out once more.

Snow Sugar walked over to the counter at the back of the shop, seeing a small jar with many gold coins in it, reading:

"Vampire Cookie's Share"

Just then, a cookie shuffled in with a hurry through a back door.

"My apologies!" The cookie huffed, "I was in the middle of making a potion someone needed, how may I help you?"

The cookie then paused upon seeing Snow Sugar, finally giving Snow Sugar enough time to recognize Alchemist cookie.

"Oh, it's you. What do you need?" Alchemist kept her demeanor.

"I'm just looking around," Snow Sugar softly spoke, "I didn't know you had a shop."

"Yeah, just opened it recently. Sadly, I didn't expect the weather to mess up business THIS bad! No one comes around anymore."

Snow Sugar became too distracted by the fancy trinkets laying around, opening a new conversation. "What do you sell?"

Love Blossoms in Strange Conditions (Werewolf x Herb)Where stories live. Discover now