Chapter ten: Hiding in the shadows

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Luck was on my side, beneath the window, a large container awaited, perfectly positioned. I crawled through the window and landed on the container, barely believing my luck. I was outside, alone. But now what? Where was I? And most importantly, where would I go from here?

I couldn't go home—that much I knew for sure. They knew everything about me, including where I lived. Seeking refuge with friends or family was also out of the question. The risk of endangering them was too great. I couldn't bear the thought of dragging anyone else into this nightmare.


Navigating through the dark alleys, I finally emerged onto the main road, the bustling nightlife of Seoul a stark contrast to my turmoil. The familiar sights helped me orient myself. I realized I wasn't far from my apartment. If I moved quickly, maybe I could grab some essentials—money and clothes—before they realized I was gone. The crowded streets offered a sense of security, though my outfit—short dress and high heels—was far from ideal for a hasty escape.

???: "Do you need a ride?"

A sudden voice interrupted my thoughts. That voice... I turned to my left and saw a red sports car with its tinted window rolled down. Behind the wheel was Changkyun.

You: "Changkyun? What are you doing here?"

I asked trying to mask my surprise.

Changkyun: "I was driving around town. Why are you here all alone without them? Don't tell me you ran away?"

He replied, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

You: "What if I did? Are you going to bring me back now to be on their good side?"

Changkyun: "I don't do good sides. So, get in."

He said with a cocky smirk plastered onto his face. I hesitated, weighing my options. Did he mean what he said? Would he really not return me to them? And if he didn't, what were his intentions? Yet, I didn't have many choices at this point. The fear of what might happen if I refused loomed large. After a moment's pause, I made my decision. I opened the car door and got in, hoping I wasn't making a terrible mistake.

You: "Why are you helping me?"

I asked as soon as he started the engine and we pulled away from the curb. Where are we even going? Doubt gnawed at me, and I already regretted my decision to get in the car. Changkyun glanced at me briefly before focusing back on the road.

Changkyun: "Like I said earlier, I'm not on their side at all."

You: "I know... The tension between you and Jimin earlier was really something."

Changkyun: "I don't believe they only took you for your looks. There must be something else going on."

You: "You think so? What else could be their motive then?"

Changkyun: "I'm not sure yet. I need to investigate a few things first. Don't ask more. I can't give you more information at the moment."

You: "Where are you bringing me? To your place?"

Changkyun: "That would be too obvious. If they can't find you at your house or with friends or family, they'll look at my place. I was the last one they saw you talking with before you ran off."

You: "Makes sense... So, where are you taking me?"

Changkyun: "I'm taking you to a hotel. Don't worry, you'll be safe there for now."

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