After School - 4:12.

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Mike walked across the sidewalk, pondering what he had asked Will. He wondered if he should ditch him? Mike didn't get his feelings. At all. He knew he wanted Will, but he didn't know what that meant. Overall, he decided to meet up with Will, walking back to the spot they always usually hung out before, as he silently regretted ever thinking of ditching him. He saw Will's eyes light up as he saw Mike, he had been sitting on the ground, waiting for him.

"Will." Mike said, sitting down next to him swiftly. "Hey, Mike-" He attempted saying, only to be stopped by Mike. "Hey, Will? How do you know you like someone?" Mike questioned. "Oh... Well, um - do you... feel some sort of attraction to them? Or.. Well, maybe thats obvious. Uh..." Will didn't know how or what to reply. He froze. "Oh, no, it's okay. I was just... asking for a friend." Mike nervously muttered. "Yeah. Okay." Will says. They sat in quiet, exchanging glances at eachother. "Hm." Mike said under his breath, not really to anyone but himself. "What?" Will asked. "Oh, I don't know. Just... thinking."

Will laughed.




"Hey, wanna hangout at my place?" Will asked Mike, standing up. "Oh, yeah, of course. Why not?" He replied, copying Will and standing up aswell. "Like, right now?" Mike asked, smiling. "Yeah, right now. Why? Is that a bad thing? Sorry... I mean, I can-" Will was then cut off by Mike, once again. "No, no, no, no! Not... a bad thing. Just wondering. Pondering, I guess." Mike quickly responded. "Yeah. Okay." Will nervously muttered as he then started walking towards the sidewalk again, stopping for a second for Will to catch up. They walked together, chatting back and forth. Sometimes they laughed at the other, other times they touched eachother's shoulders with they're own. They finally reached the Byer's house, Will opened the door carefully, peeking through the door, just in case. not for any reason... specifically. Definitely not... (spoiler alert!!: it was for a very specific reason🙊) As they walked into the empty living room, they both sat down on the soft couch, almost sinking into the comfy cushions. "Hey, Will?" "Yeah?"

"I definitely think I like someone."

"Oh, uhm, who?" Will stuttered, somehow hoping that he would say his name. "You think i'd tell you?" Mike laughed jokingly. They each laughed. It then went silent. Completely. The only thing that made noise - that was left, anyways - was the small fan in the corner of the room, it helped keep the situation seem... not awkward, I guess. "Mike?" "Yeah?"

"Why did we... grow... apart?" He asked, his voice growing shaky.

Mike remained silent, honestly not wanting to answer.

"Mike... What happened?" He asked, staring up at him as he watches his eyes analyze his face. Mike remained silent, unsure on how to act next.

"I don't... I don't know." Mike finally answered. Will's face became softer as Will turned away from him. "Look at me." Mike sternly said, reaching for his face. he cupped his face in between his hands, getting a little closer to him. "Do you want us to become closer?" He asked him. Will didn't answer. "Will?" Mike asked. Will got up and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge door. "So, um, what do you, uh, want to..." Will paused, looking down, hiding his slowly forming tears. "" He finally blurted out, his voice shook. It was Mike's turn to not answer. He sat there. Not answering. Almost refusing. He wanted Will to like him. He really did.

After awhile, things calmed down. Will had stopped crying, Mike was ready to do whatever. Will sat down next to him again. Mike then asked: "Hey, am I able to spend the night? It's getting late, my mom wouldn't mind." Will shifted in his seat. "Oh, uhm, yeah." He replied. "Sweet." Mike whispered, smiling. "Oh, hey! I have a few games we could play in the basement. I could go grab them." Will muttered happily. "Sure." Mike said back. "Okay." Will says under his breath. He sat up, walking down into the basement, finding board games and all the like. He decided on Twister.

(ion even know if that existed back then i dont pay attention to anything for shit bro sorry)

He came back upstairs, laying it out down onto the floor. "Hmm. What's this?" Mike had asked. "Oh, it's called Twister. My mom and Jonathan used to use it all the time. It looked fun." "Why didn't you join them?" Mike wondered. "I don't know, honestly." He said. He found the 'Spinning Thing' (I DONT KNOW..) and spun it. It then read: 'Left Foot Green'. Will repeated what it had said onto the mat thingy (😭), and put his left foot onto the green circle. Will and Mike each laughed. "Really, Will?" Mike chuckled. Mike then spun the wheel, it landing on 'Right Hand Red'. After awhile, they got all clustered together, almost looking as if they were a knot. They then had fallen, each collapsing onto the other. "Shit!" Mike called out, laughing. It was... a weird position, you could say.

Mike was huddled over on top of Will. Just like those cheesy romance TV shows, where the guy is on top of the girl. They looked into each others eyes for a moment, then Mike quickly retreated from that awkward position. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry." Mike muttered. Will sat up, laughing slightly. "It's fine. I didn't... mind it." He said, whispering that last part. "What?" Mike asked. Will got up swiftly, and blinked a few times awkwardly/nervously. He panted, still smiling from the weird game. "Oh, shit, uhm, where am I gonna sleep?"

Mike pondered, scratching his chin. "Oh! Uhm. I don't actually know." Will replied. Mike groaned. "Sorry. I didn't really think about that." Will says. "Y'know what? Screw it. Let's just watch a movie, okay?" Mike suggested. "Sure, yeah." They sat down together back onto the sofa, Mike stretching his arms out behind Will's head. Will grabbed the remote, and scrolled down onto a horror movie. "What about this one?" "Jeez, Will, I didn't think you were into that fake crap." Mike chuckled. "Yeah, well..." Will scoffed, smiling. He pressed 'Play', scooting a little farther from Mike nervously. Soon, the movie had concluded, Will's head was tilted back onto the couch. He groaned, almost asleep. "I think i'm slowly falling asleep." Will whispered, chuckling a little bit. Mike laughed. Will slowly drifted off, but before he could finally fall asleep, Mike had something for him.

"Will, be quiet, okay?" Mike whispered. Mike reached his hand out to his face, cupping it once again. He pulled him in, circling his face with his thumb. Mike then passionately kissed him, as they're tongues danced around inside each other's mouths. "Mike?" Will quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry! Oh, my god, I'm so sorry, Will, I... Agh! Sorry." Mike yelled out in frustration. "Wait, Mike, no... I just - didn't expect it." Mike and Will both paused. Will swiftly pulled Mike back in, kissing him once more. This time, it was different. Will shifted around, eventually deciding to quickly put his knees in between Mike's legs, still making out with him. It's almost as if they're tongues maybe fought for dominance, aggressively rolling over eachother, pushing, etc. It felt good, though. Not... forceful. Will pulled away again, gasping for a little air. They both panted.

"Holy shit, Will." Mike said. They both sat back down, plopping down onto they're original spots.

1263 words. TY FOR READING! LYSM<33.

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