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Day 3.

The sun has rise, Kamijo and Akira are the first ones to get up early while everyone else is still sleeping, and head onto the roof. 

Kamijo: Its almost rare to see the sun rise.

Akira: Yeah, especially this is one of our final days on this island.

Kamijo: What? Are you thinking one of us might die here?

Akira: Either torn apart by teeth or Arrows and spears.

Kamijo: Don't talk like that, its like you are doubting yourself.

Akira: Well not doubting, since i barely survive a tiger attack and killed a native. And here i thought i was not going to fight on this trip let alone kill.

Kamijo: This is survival, and its not like there are any rules on this island.

Akira: No but we are all in a restricted area, do u know what that means, heh.

Kamijo: Shut up. Whatever and if we do survive at least we have a story to tell.

Akira: Or at least something to post on social media.

Then suddenly the bush rustle, they turned their heads to see what was it. It was the same Bengal tiger who attacked Akira.

Kamijo: [Whispers] Shit! Its back! Quick get the weapons!

Akira slowly grabbed the bow and arrows and they were ready to get payback on the over sized cat. Akira stayed focus since he didn't wanted to lose another foot. But then something else came out of the open, It was More headhunters! 5 of them.

Akira: [Whispers] It them again! And it looks like they are going for the tiger!

The tiger roars in defense while the hunters tried to get in with an attack, stabbing it and kept repeating it. But then the tiger uses its claws to break one of their spears, and pounce on one of the hunters going for his throat killing him. 

Kamijo: [Whispers] Shit!

4 hunters were left, they tried to fight back by stabbing it but they did not know where the weak spots were. The tiger then spring at one of them into the forest while the other two went after it. Both Kamijo and akira were shook on what happen and are waiting for something, a few minutes later one of the head hunters were crawling away while bleeding from his stomach. Then the beast came out of the bush ready to pounce.

Kamijo: [Thinks] Ah what the hell!

He then shoots at the tiger with akira aiming at its foot and face, the tiger roars at them and runs off.

Akira: [Shocked] Is he still alive?!  

Kamijo: I don't know!

They then runs back inside and started to shout.

Kamijo: Hey! Get up! There's been an attack outside!

They woke up from the shouting.

Kamijo: That tiger came back and killed those headhunters!

Akira: One of them is outside barely breathing!

They went outside to see what happen, the hunter who was crawling is on his back barely breathing, it was a strong man with claw and teeth marks on his body. 

Marika: Wait! We cannot just bring him inside.

Aoyama: Yeah what if he comes back with some of his friends?

Kamijo: We just saw his friends get mauled by that thing!

The rustle was heard in the bushes again and Kai went over to see what it was, it was one of the hunter split in two with his lower half of his body missing. Minowa saw it too and was grossed out and scared.

Kamijo: Get him inside before something else happens!

They went and got the head hunter inside of the building, he was breathing desperately to live, they saw all of his current injuries.

Head Hunter: [Heavy breath] D-devil!

They put pressure on his wounds and try to heal him, about 10 minutes later, he was conscious and woke up.

David: H-hello there.

Head hunter: [Groans] What happened?

David: We were told that you were attacked by a Bengal tiger.

Head Hunter: ! The striped Devil!

David: Devil?

Head Hunter: Yes. I am Torrik, me and tribe were trying to kill big cat for nights.

David: How many nights?

Torrik: 10 nights. We discovered to hunt devil in Day.

David: I have another question, do you know about head hunters who attacked us on shore?

Torrik: Yes, they were reckless type, always going by themselves. I told them not to but don't listen to torrik.

David: Ok, they did attack one of our people and nearly got them killed when they were fishing.

Torrik: They scavengers, when they see weak prey they attack and mistook you for prey.

Akira: No wonder.

Torrik: They also tell torrik you killed on of them.

Akira: Well yes but we thought that they were gonna kill us.

Torrik: [Sighs] I must go back to tribe, they be worried. But Devil come back.

David: Its okay, we will bring you back home.

Kamijo: Wait! We just met this guy, we can't just help him, and they were shooting at us a couple of days ago!

Karl: But he just lost a few of his own men, maybe if we help him then he can get his people to not kill us.

Torrik: Yes, torrik will be grateful, me leader of tribe.

Matsuoka: Well since he is a leader of his own tribe then that should be a good thing for now. 

Torrik: We decide if go under night or break at day.

David: If we do help you, will u convince your tribe to not attack us?

Torrik: Those who save leader are more than friendly. 

Kamijo: Fine. But do anything dumb and its your ass.

They decided to take the hunter back to his tribe during daytime but they need to be careful.

To be continued.

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