Plans and Strategy

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After fishing, the group who came back were scarred for killing other people, some of them were still scarred from the experience, and some thought about it to be necessary for survival.

Marika: I know how you all feel, not only we needed to kill animals but now living people as well, but now we need to pull ourselves together.

Aoyama: [Scared] How can we do that ma'am when there are actual people wanting to kill us?

Marika: They are natives, they don't even know how we do things, its called being unpredictable.

Kai: But i might now be enough until they could figure out, they are not stupid since they set up that ambush.

David: But then again if they cannot predict our movement, they won't see it coming.

Innou: Are we talking about attacking them?

Oribe: That's a big risk.

David: Not attacking yet, since we don't know how many are there of them to begin with, we have traps next to walls but that might not be enough to hold off a couple of punks with bows and arrows.

Anthony: What do we do about it to begin with?

David:  We should probably capture one of them since they tried to take one of us back to their tribe, so we could try to lure one in with bait.

Minowa: Well they attacked us when we had food, they will most likely do it again if we have some after we hunted.

Karl: We don't have to do it now, we shouldn't risk it because we might get injured or worst.

Jinnou: Yeah we should just stay inside, since we barely know what is on the island.

Miyasono: Wait, i think i have an idea.

Anthony: Shoot.

Miyasono: Maybe we should try gather some wood in the morning and if we get enough we could most likely be able to build a tree house, that way a few of us can stay in the trees and scout to see if something or someone is coming, we cannot just stick with the tower and a tree house is and advantage since barely anything could climb.

Kamijo: Sure if you can count for giant bugs.

Anthony: But then again its getting a little crowded in here, it won't hurt to build some.

Marika: Its simple but yet is effective in high places.

They then hear noises, it sounds like a man struggling, they slowly looked outside to see who it is. It was a teenager wearing a white tank top, sweat pants.

Innou: [Realizes]  I know who that is! 

She looks closer and see him.

Innou: Its Matt!

Matt was fighting off against 3 giant bullet ants, who was looking for a meal.  

Akira: He needs help!

Marika: We don't know who he is!

David: I know him, he is another transfer that came with us. Quick grab a spear and your bows, the rest get to the roof and shoot them with the arrows tips on fire. It might work.

They agree and went to the roof, David and Karl went to help matt.

David: Matt!

Matt: David?

The bullet ants turned over to Karl and David and hiss.

Karl: Come and get some!

A bullet ant tries to get Karl with its sharp legs, leaving karl to dodge it and went for its legs, the small group went up the roof and lite the arrow tips with fire.

Oribe: Aim at their legs their backs might be too hard for the arrows to pierce.

They nooded and aimed for an bullet ants legs, after they hit it, the ants screech in pain as their legs caught fire, meanwhile Matt jumped on the bullet ant back and went for the eye, it then squirmed in pain. Matt then jumped off, Naruse and Innou shot their arrow on the ant face killing it. The last ant was going for David.

David: You know for a bug i thought you have fast reactions.

The bullet ant screech and tries to bite him, he then slides under it stabbing it with his spear, he then pulls it out having it entrails spill on him.

David: [Thinking] Thank god my mouth is closed.

He rolls away as the ant collapse and he then stabs it into the face, killing it. When he looks at himself he is covered in bug guts, and then throws up later. Oribe and Naruse runs to him.

Both: Are you alright?

David was breathing heavily.

David: [Raspy voice] I wish.

He was then on his knees breathing. 

Naruse: I'll go get water.

She then runs to the water. David then sits down.

Oribe: [Concerned] David you don't have to keep doing this to yourself.

David: I know but, this island, these bugs, the animals, and Headhunters. I have no choice.

Oribe: That's not true, as long as we are still here u don't have to.

David smiled knowing of the concern, Naruse returns with the water bottle, oribe then slowly pours some into his mouth.

Meanwhile, Matt meets everyone for the first time, and since he already knows Karl and Anthony, Matt was known for being a laid back person, with his easy going attitude. 

Marika: There is no doubt since this is not your first time out here.

Matt: Not really, my first time outside was camping in the woods with my pop.

Aoyama: You sure look laid back after fighting against three ants.

Matt: I do take situations seriously but there is no need to be stressed all the time  girl.

Momosaki: Ok when was the last time you were stressed?

Matt: Just a couple minutes ago.

Miyasono: She means before you got stranded.

Matt: It was probably when i was searching for bigfoot.

They looked at him dumbfounded, basically matt barely know about stressed.

Matt: The trick is to let yourself go.

Karl: That might work probably at home but not here bro.

Back with David.

He is currently taking a bath, washing away his stressed, when all of a sudden Matt came in.

Matt: Now that's one way to chill.

David: Honestly dude, even in the face of danger you keep a level head.

Matt: I keep the laid back personality, its what make me focus, not only that but it can be used as a weapon when used against a foe with too much on their shoulders, gets them every time.

David: Heh, and how did you survive by using capoeria?

Matt: How you know? But yeah i totally do, most sees it as ridiculous but me its a secret weapon. You should try it sometimes.

David: Sure maybe against the headhunters.

Matt: Those guys who were shooting at me with arrows, yeah they tried to get me but my Dance fighting kept them confused bro, now that's a secret. Keep them guessing, and i am the man to do it.

Night has fallen, with a new enemy on the horizon and a new ally into the mix.

To be continued.

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