2: Amber's Work Begins

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Beneath the starry sky that night and at Amber's home, she and her mother Miriam were seated on a bench on the lawn outside their small cottage. Behind them on the front porch was the sculpture of a handsome-looking man. Amber was still in her patched dress which glowed under the night sky as the stars and moonlight lent a brilliant light around, the song of crickets surrounding them.

Miriam had a kind, pretty face but was worn out from hardship. Affectionately, she ran her hand through Amber's hair and they smiled at each other unable to mask their misty eyes.

"Amber, my star, we do not want to leave each other but my body is weary from all the farming. I work a little and feel sick. If you don't go, we will starve."

Amber hugged her mother tightly, almost afraid to let her go.

"Mother, don't worry, I will go," she said over her shoulder.

"It's okay," Miriam consoled her, "I will be here waiting every time you return." She promised and held Amber back now to gently wipe a tear off her cheek with a thumb.

"My star, life is not a bed of roses. But I give you a mother's blessing. You will live much better than I. Favor will find you and remain with you. Now, look up at the stars."

Casting their eyes upon the bright twinkling stars, they beheld an utterly beautiful sight.

"One day, you will shine like that."

"Thank you, mother," Amber replied, starting to feel some gladness at the thought of her dreams. "That will be the day I'm wealthy enough to help all the poor in the village." She continued. "Now I give you a daughter's blessing. Mother, may you live to see that day so that you can eat the fruits of your labor."

Miriam smiled at that. "Thank you," she said. "And remember my star, in whatever you do, allow love and faithfulness to be your guide. Let them be your dressing; Etch them across your heart. Then a good name and favor will be yours in the sight of our creator and man."

Amber nodded and watched tears roll down her mother's face.

"Don't cry, mother," Amber told her and they both forced smiles. She took a finger to her mother's face to wipe off the tears and at that moment, felt strength building up within her. It came through love for her mother and the needs her new job would fulfill.

The strength never left her even as she fell fast asleep moments later in her patched dress on her small bed in her small room where everything was small and old; mirror, table, chair, and wardrobe. The strength helped her face her future with more hope. It gave her a get-up-and-go demeanor. In fact, it was the strength that helped her fall asleep the following night. And drifting into oblivion, she began to dream that it was morning and it was time to wake up. That she was in a pretty night dress and the room was beautiful, bigger, and brighter. Nevertheless, when her lashes fluttered open and rendered her awake, she knew she wasn't dreaming.

Everything different in her environment and dressing was a result of her move from her home to Isis's house. Reality reminded her she was just waking up from her first night here after her deliberate late arrival from her home last night in a bid to stay with her mother much longer.

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