12: Amber and The Mermen

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Isis was pacing about before Rhea who was seated on a couch in their living room. She was upset about the fact that the queen was living with Miriam.

She couldn't understand why the queen chose a poverty-stricken home instead of hers. In her opinion, it was an insult that she couldn't attract the queen's presence.

"Calm down mother."

"The queen should be finding solace in this house, not in that woman's shed." Isis bit out angrily. She stopped pacing and her face contorted with confusion. "I don't understand it." She continued. "And with her presence there, that woman will live better... perhaps, compete with me. I can't let that happen."

"Well, what do we do?" Rhea asked and Isis's eyes narrowed dangerously as a small smile broadened her lips at the same time.

At the same time in Underland, Amber had reached a stream. She hurried to it, slid the water bottle off her shoulder, and in her rush, put her hand in the water but it felt stony like a rock that one could walk on.

Amber could not believe it so she tried putting one foot on the water to test it. Feeling the strength of the river underneath her, she added her second foot and stood on the river, just at the edge. It was incredible. She was standing on water. Remembering that what she needed was a drink, she stepped back onto the land and studied the water bottle. You will need it to drink the water you find along the way Orion had told her.

Rhea opened the cap which was the fish head part and dipped it in the river, amazed to see it collecting water like it was designed to. When it was full, she drank from the bottle and after emptying it down her throat, she was about to refill it and noticed that the water bottle was still full of water just like she had first filled it. Amber kept drinking until she was full. Next, she rose and hung the bottle back on her shoulder.

She was about to continue on her way when she heard a splash and looked at the river to find Orion and Stone swimming. She waved at them and they smiled at her before disappearing back inside the river. Orion's voice then came to her from the river.

"Throw the bottle back into the river." He said.

"It will find its way back to us," Stone added.

In response, Amber took the bottle off her shoulder, gave it a goodbye kiss, and threw it into the river so that it sunk inside to be seen no more.

Underwater, the bottle sank in and traveled to the bottom of the river where Orion and Stone were swimming. Orion caught the bottle and smiled at Stone.

"She wasn't rude at all," Stone said. Orion agreed with a nod and looked up above the waters. His voice became balmy and sonorous as he spoke again.

"Amber, wise one..."

Up on the land Amber heard Orion's voice as he spoke.

"...You will thirst no more until you get to your destination. That is your reward."

Amber was happy to hear what he had just said to her because she was just wondering that if her journey was far and all the rivers were rocky to the touch, then how would she get water, since they had collected the water bottle?

"Thank you Orion, and thank you Stone." She replied, sighed with satisfaction, and began marching forward to continue on her way.

An owl hooted from a nearby tree and Amber turned to see it flying off. The consequence caused her to stumble over a log of wood lying across her path. With a shriek, she tumbled over, going straight into a large nest full of eggs that became smashed and sleeping birds that became startled, running off as she crashed into their nest. For a moment she wondered why they hadn't flown instead.

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