13: For the Love of Prince Arnold

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In Amber's home, Miriam, the Queen, and her maid were seated over a fairly large dining table that was full of assorted desserts. The three were eating with two guards standing by. Miriam had paused, looking momentarily lost and so with arched brows furrowed in concern, the Queen looked at her and she forced a smile.

"My Queen, may the guards sit down?" Miriam asked.

"They are used to it Miriam" replied the Queen. "They do have time to relax."

Miriam's face was expressionless. Nevertheless, the Queen turned to the guards.

"Have a seat, now will you?"

"Our duty to the throne is to stay alert my Queen" replied one of the guards.

"And the King will be displeased." The other guard added.

The Queen looked back to Miriam and smiled as though to say I told you so and Miriam resigned with a nod as if to say fine, I get it and then she took in a deep breath.

"I am overwhelmed by your presence here. It is a privilege. Thank you so much for the food and everything."

The Queen reached a comforting hand to Miriam's shoulder.

"It is nothing so please don't mention it. Being here with you gives me great comfort."

The Queen's gesture brought Amber to Miriam's mind as she remembered Amber reaching a comforting hand to her shoulder the way the Queen had just done. You worry too much mother, Amber had told her some time ago. Miriam sighed, adjusting her mind to the present with a wry smile creasing her mouth.

"May Amber and Arnold return safely." She said and the Queen's eyes watered.

"We must be hopeful" She repeated more firmly and the Queen nodded in agreement with the hope they had to share.

Outside the house it was dark but the porch was lighted by a farmer's lantern. Standing by a black horse amidst the trees around the house stood someone in a long black overcoat with the hood hanging loose. It was Isis and she was watching the house.

Rain began to pour lightly and her eyes narrowed dangerously. And then quickly, she brought up the hood to cover her head, protecting her face behind the hood. She mounted the horse and rode off before the first thunderclap that seemed bent on encouraging a heavier downpour.

Meanwhile deep inside the forest of Upland, the rain continued lightly with rain winds howling amidst the trees in total disharmony with the sound of hooting owls, calling birds, and chirping crickets that seemed to be protesting against the rain.

A cabin was seated in the middle of nowhere inside the forest, well hidden among the overgrown bushes and tall trees with no one in sight apart from a white horse saddled to a corner of the cabin.

Inside the cabin, a lamp burnt dimly, barely illuminating the young man already blindfolded and strapped to a chair. It was Arnold and he was still wearing the clothes he was last seen in. The door opened and Bibo, a scrawny-looking boy of 18 moved straight to him and with intimidation, set his face before Arnold's.

"You don't look so royal now do you?" He taunted Arnold and instantly, Arnold without warning headed him on the forehead, wincing along with the yelp of pain that escaped from the unsuspecting Bibo.

"Oh, my God! You're raving mad" he cursed, staggering backward. His hand flew to his burning forehead as his face contorted with pain. With a growl of anger, his eyes darted furiously about the room to find a stick that was resting against the wall. Bibo dashed towards it, grabbed it, and approached Arnold.

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