Chapter 2

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She got up, still thinking about her dream. It hadn't been the first time she had dreamt of him. And it probably won't be the last either.

She turned on the music, Arctic Monkeys blasting through the speakers now. She didn't care about it being to loud. It helped her think.

It's complicated. It's always so complicated.

Cold water hit her face as she splashed it against her skin. She brushed her teeth, got dressed and put on some make-up. The normal, everyday routine. It was 7:35 am. School started at 7:55. She'll see him in 20 minutes.

She turned of the music, grabed her backpack and ran down the stairs. Her mother was downstairs as she was every morning. On the counter lay a sandwich and a bottle of water next to it. She packed her lunch in her bag, said a quick goodbye and left the house. She got her bike out, swung her body on top of it and started pedaling. The wind blew through her hair. She felt free.

She loved the bike rides in the morining. They gave her time to think. In those few minutes of freedom each morning, she was the queen of the world. It seemed like every problem she had could be easily solved. Of course this wasn't the situation. But that didn't matter. At least in those few moments it didn't.

She passed by people, walking on the sidewalk, minding their own business and carrying on with their lives. These people had problems and worries of their own. Needed to cope with them just as she did. They were just like her. Not any better. Not any worse. They were equals.

She arrived at school at 7:45. The bike ride had only been 5 minutes long, but it had felt like forever. Sometimes she wished it would never end. So she could be free for just a little while longer. But life isn't a wish granting factory.

She locked up her bike and entered the school. She greeted all her friends, hugging them tightly as she always did. They are one of the most important things in life for her and she is grateful for them every single day.

They were standing there, in front of the classroom waiting for the teacher to arrive and talking to each other as they did every morning. He came towards them, joining the little group of friends. He hugged everyone and when he reached out for her and wrapped his arms around her, her heart fluttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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