Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up with the rising sun shining through the balcony door. I didn't remember falling asleep, only laying awake in bed thinking about nothing but the kiss.

I had texted Nora when I got back to the room. I kept it simple: We kissed.

Nora had responded, AHSNDVSHDNSH, followed by a million follow up questions, half of which I didn't know how to answer.

I was still in disbelief that it happened at all. I wasn't sure if I could trust my memory, but my still fluttering heart told me it was real. And for some stupid reason, I couldn't stop smiling about it.

Luke snorted in his sleep next to me. Rolling my eyes, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. We would be arriving in Freeport today, our last destination before sailing home.

It felt bittersweet. I was dying to get off of this boat, but what did that mean for Gabe and me? Will we just go our separate ways and never look back? I didn't think I could do that.

I slipped on my swimsuit and layered my regular clothes on top. As I stepped out of the bathroom, Mom's voice made me jump. "Marjo. You're up already." She was sitting on the edge of her bed.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I woke up so I figured I would get ready."

Mom stood up gingerly like she was about to do something dangerous. Which probably meant that I wasn't going to like whatever she was about to say.

"It's our last stop. You're coming with us, right?"

I shifted uncomfortably. I hated giving her bad news. It always ended in a fight. "Actually, I managed. "I was planning on going with my friend."

Mom's face dropped into a frown. Unsurprisingly, she dove into a lecture. "Really, Marjo? Again? You've spent the past two days with him. The least you can do is spend this last stop with us. This is supposed to be a family vacation."

Family vacation. How could a I forget?

"I know that Mom, but I already made plans with him. And besides, we see each other every day," I said, gesturing between us. "I won't get to see him after this trip."

Mom raised an eyebrow at me. "Since when do you prioritize boys over family? He's clearly not a good influence on you."

"I'm not prioritizing anything!" I said, accidentally raising my voice. "And you don't know him, so don't talk about him like that."

Her eyes darkened. "You're spending the day with your family." I could sense the finality in her tone, but I was as stubborn as her and I wouldn't relinquish.

If I was going to get in the water with someone, it was Gabe. I wouldn't do it with anyone else. It was embarrassing, but he understood it somehow. And I certainly wasn't going to risk being thrown into the ocean again with a band of ignorant misfits.

And, of course, there were other reasons I wanted private lessons with Gabe.

I groaned, unable to express what I wanted to. "You're being ridiculous! If I want to spend my time with him then I will!"

Dad sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes, woken by our argument. "What's going on?" he mumbled.

"Tell your daughter to spend the day with us."

"Tell your wife that she's being unreasonable."

Dad blinked between Mom and me, trying to comprehend our words.

Mom didn't wait for him to do anything before turning on me again. "I'm not being unreasonable! You haven't spent any time with us on this trip!"

"That's not true!"

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