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*Almost 3 weeks later*

Nora and I sat in my room, both laying across my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"You know what's unfair?" she said.


She sighed longingly. "That I've still yet to have a summer fling."

I propped myself up, leaning back on my hands. "Hey, the summer's not over yet." I paused. "I hear Tristan's single."

Nora grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. "I don't want your leftovers!"

We both fell back again, laughing.

"What time is it?" she asked, rolling over onto her stomach. "I have to be home to help with lunch."

I clicked on my phone to check the time: 1:02 PM. I jumped up, gasping.

Nora just raised an eyebrow at me. "I assume that means lover boy is here?"

"It's 1:02. He'll be here any minute."

Nora popped up too. "Sh*t, already? I was supposed to be home half an hour ago." She quickly grabbed her phone and her bag. "I'll see you tomorrow?"


She gave me a quick hug, then left.

I checked the mirror one last time, gently combing my fingers through my hair to make it lay flat.

My phone pinged. It was a text from Gabe: Turning onto your street now. I grinned.

I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over myself halfway down. Mom and Dad sat on the couch together watching some old movie. From his room, Luke yelled, "MOM! Where's my controller?"

Mom sighed. "If you had put it away like I'd asked, it wouldn't be lost! Now, come down so you can greet Davis at the door." Dad just shook his head.

"I'm leaving," I said to get their attention before bending over from behind the couch to give them a quick hug.

Mom looked over her shoulder at me. "Grab a jacket before you leave." I rolled my eyes but shrugged one on anyway.

"Have fun! And say hi for me!" Dad called, but I barely heard him as I flew out the door. Moving blindly, I almost ran straight into someone walking up the driveway. I did a double-take when I recognized Tristan.

"Sorry," I said automatically.

He laughed lightly. "It's fine. I'm just dropping off Davis."

He motioned behind him, and as if on cue, Davis caught up and stopped by his side. He bounced on his feet, almost exuding even more energy than me. But there was no way he was as excited as I was. Especially when a dark blue car slowed to a stop on the other side of the street.

"Sorry, I gotta go," I said, turning back to Tristan. "I'll see you later though. Have fun, Davis," I said, ruffling his hair before running past them.

I ran across the street after looking both ways. Gabe hadn't even closed the car door behind him when I threw my arms around him. He laughed and slid his arms across my back, pulling me in tighter. I had almost forgotten how good his touch felt.

"I missed you. Phone calls aren't enough," I whispered breathlessly.

He sighed into my hair. "I missed you too. Longest nineteen days ever."

"Were you counting?"


After a moment longer, I pulled back to look at him, my arms still resting on his shoulders and his around my waist. "Your mom is settling in okay?" I asked gently.

He shrugged. "As well as she can, I guess. My dad acts like it's a bigger adjustment for him than for her. He's being dramatic about it."

"And what about you?"

"It's nothing I can't handle." He gently stroked my back. "Let's not talk about that right now."

I nodded, obliging.

"How's that community fair coming along?" he asked.

"Good! We've got a big group helping out."

He squinted suspiciously. "Is Tristan still part of that group?"

"Yes," I said slowly before putting on a teasing tone. "Why? Are you worried he might steal me away?"

"No," he insisted defensively. "Just jealous that he gets to spend so much time with you."

"Well, we have the whole day to spend together," I noted, pulling him closer again.

A smile played on his lips. He brought a hand to the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to his. He kissed me eagerly and I did the same after being deprived of him for too long.

"Come on," Gabe said against my lips. "We have places to be." He swung me around the car and I hopped in the passenger's seat feeling more alive than I'd ever felt.

I switched on the radio after Gabe started the car. Fearless by Taylor Swift started playing midsong and I silently laughed to myself.

How appropriate.

I looked over at Gabe as he checked his mirrors.

"Hey," I said.

He turned to look at me and I leaned in to kiss him again.

And again. And again.

THE END (for real this time)


A/N: Aaaand that's a wrap on Be My Anchor!

Thank you endlessly for investing your time in reading my little story! I spent way too long on it. I used to be the same age as Marjo—16, I am now 18. The story is flawed, but I learned a lot and I'm so relieved to finally have it all out there. Now that Marjo and Gabe are yours, reader, please take care of them.

Now, the last time I'm going to say this, don't forget to vote! Also, follow me on Instagram (@reeseiswriting) to see my other work :)

Happy swimming!

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