The dates ft Matt and Haylei.

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A couple things I've learned the past 17 years I've been on this earth, is that you can't trust everyone.

Lockers slamming, people making out in the middle of the hallways, jocks pushing 'nerds' into walls.
Your typical high-school experience, maybe not a very enjoyable one for most. Definitely not for me.
I have a very small friend group that consists of me my best friends Dylan and Sydney. I don't need a boyfriend to be happy just my friends and myself, I know how cliche that sounds but it's true. I mean yeah my parents love me and all but they favorite my brother because he has a girlfriend and a nice job, I try my best to get by.

"Do you think I should wear this? Please tell me I look hot." Sydney desperately needs help getting ready for her date with her boyfriend Chris. And of course as the 'friend who's never had a boyfriend, but still helps her friends with dates and whatnot' I had to help her, it's just what best friends do.

"You look great Syd, just relax and it'll be fine. I promise Chris will not care, he'll love you either way. C'mon let's go do your makeup and then I'll pick up Dylan." I reassured her, hoping it'll calm her a little bit.
Sydney was sat in the passenger seat, while Dylan was in the back and I was driving. We were driving to the restaurant where Dylan and Sydney would meet up with their boyfriends, Nick and Chris.

"Haylei, I'm super nervous but also excited. I mean Nick is really nice and he is very handsome and funny (remember y'all stay respectful of the triplets+Justin) and cute and I don't think I'm good eno-" Dylan was cut off by Sydney telling him to shut up and that he's perfect the way he is.

We finally pulled up to the spot, as I put the car in park three boys got out of their minivan, they all looked the same. Dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and tall.

"Thanks for the ride babes. Love you bitch." Dylan said as he exited the car, I nodded at him and smiled. I turned to look at Sydney, who looked straight ahead at Chris. I tapped her arm trying to get her attention.

"Sydney. We're here, go have fun." She fixated her eyes on me now.

"Right, sorry. Um. Thanks for the ride, I'll call you when we're done, yeah?" I nodded in agreement, slightly smiling. I decided I would also get out of the car just to stretch my legs. I waved my friends and their lovers goodbye.
Sighing, I took out my phone, scrolling through my contacts to find my brothers.


Me:Hey do you wanna
do something?
Im bored.
Dawson😄:Can't sorry. Busy.
Me:Okay have fun ig.
Read 7:34pm

"I'll just sit in my car and wait then." I said to myself, I turned towards my car only to be met with someone's chest.

"Shit. I'm sorry." He said, the boy had dark brown hair, light blue eyes and he was tall.

"Oh it's, it's okay. I'm Haylei." I stuck out my hand, he took his hand in mine and we awkwardly shook.

"I'm Matt. You're friends with Dylan and Sydney right?"

"Yeah, you're Nick and Chris' brother." He smiled. He was cute, yes. But I'm not really wanting a relationship right now. We talked for a little longer and we exchanged phone numbers and snapchats before it was time to pick Dylan and Sydney up. Well we didn't have to pick them up because we stayed in the parking lot the whole time.

"It was nice meeting you. Hey, I'll see you at school right?" Matt asked, fixing his hair.

"Yep. I'm a senior. But I think you know that because we're the same age and in the same grade, um so y-yeah." I nervously laughed, fidgeting with my bracelet.

"Okay, I'll text you later. Bye Haylei." Matt and I waved before walking to our cars, waiting for everyone else to come back.


"Guys, I'm home!" I kicked off my shoes and set my keys in the bowl. I figured no one but my brother was home, so I just made myself some pizza. I felt my phone buzz, I turned it on to see a notification from Matt.

 I felt my phone buzz, I turned it on to see a notification from Matt

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I laughed and put my phone in my back pocket once my pizza was ready

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I laughed and put my phone in my back pocket once my pizza was ready. I took it upstairs, as I passed my brothers room I heard a girl....making noises....gross.
Once I entered my room, I sat on my bed and flipped on a old markiplier video, it was one where he was playing 3 horror games.
I fell asleep watching markiplier that night.

My addiction to the Sturniolo's is unhealthy but that's okay👍🥰

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