Chapter 1 - The Letter

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The cool breeze brushed my nose as i walked downtown, as well as sneers and distain looks past by. I wasn't favored in my small town but it was nothing new to me, i had grown used to it and most times the people would just ignore me. Luckily for me this wasn't everyone, the police chief and his family took me in and they raised me. They have always been kind to me the chief and his wife treated me like their own while their two kids Alexander and Victoria treated me as a big sister. They are a well established family in our town. I never understood why they would risk that for me.
"Scarlett!" A light voice called out.
"It got here! It got here!" Victoria cheered.
"What did?"
Victoria grabbed my hand steering me in the direction of our home. The coolness turned into a wet airy sensation causing shivers down my body. A bad feeling. Or just the weather? We ran up the stairs to the two story home on Everton street. The door swung open, the warmth was a welcoming feeling, comfort but wariness spread through my body like an untamable river. The air lingered of sugar cookies, the home decorated in a light aristocrat aesthetic had become a new favorite of mine keeping me safe and protected. Victoria had taken me into the living room filled with sunlight due to the high windows and the origin of the warmth from the fireplace, keeping the house at a sensible temperature for the cold weather outside.
"Look!" A similar light voice exclaimed jumping up and down, awaiting for the news. These two beautiful faces looking at me with such excitement i could never understand how joyful and bright their personalities could be, its always refreshing, even still to this day. Alexander and Victoria lighton, they are one of the most highly looked up upon families, their parents built this town up from ruin, they are considered hero's of the town Snorwood.
"We sent in the application for the detective spot, and look what came into the mail! Open it!" Alexander explained, with a wide smile latched on his face.
The detective spot was for the world renowned detectives assistant position of Mr. Watts and Mr. Newton. This position was a once in a lifetime opportunity both detectives have been in their respective fields for over 20 years, now known around the world as famous detectives. Never once did they take on a disciple, why now?
"Wait, why did you send it in without telling me?"
"We weren't sure if you would agree, Scarlett" Victoria mumbled, while forcing a smile as if she was in trouble.
"Just open it! Hurry!"
"Impatient as always, little Alexander"
He smiled, mischievously.
There's no shame in looking although the outcome is obvious. As much as Victoria and Alexander are well mannered, they couldn't properly fill out an application alone without my help. But their hope always gives me a sense of happiness, their wish to be happy is all i care about. I reached for the envelope on a small coffee table, draped with other envelopes addressed to the Police Chief and his wife. Alexander and Victoria both jumped up and down with cheerful expressions as if they already knew what it said. I began to open the envelope addressed to me, the coarseness of the paper that had traveled long and far was wrinkled and darkened. It had been stained a darken brown and had a stronger smell of coffee than paper.

  Dear Ms. lighton,

Congratulations! You have been selected to become the first assistant detective of both Mr. Watts and Mr. Newton!

Please be ready and packed for our new adventure of traveling the world solving crime for 2 weeks! Meet at Welling train station at 8 am on the first of November. Pack light and please no more then 2 bags.

Mr. Watts and Mr. Newton

My hands tightened and the letter began to crumble on the sides, my mouth became dry from how low it hanged below my upper lip. Victoria and Alexander became so silence that it felt as if they weren't in the room, the paper flew out of my hands and now sat in between Victorias grasp. A loud whimper bursts my ear drums and soon Alexander joined in with his sister, the once silent room now became shaken with excitement from the two siblings.
"You did it!" Alexander screamed, my ear drums still hurting from the excitement in his voice.
"This doesn't make sense, why did they pick me?" My eyes fixed on the coffee stained paper, a hand to my head and a headache waiting to make its presence known.
The way Victoria and Alexander fill out a piece of paper is equivalent to a four year old writing for the first time. They never know how to make it sound educated, they make rubbish claims and don't even support their information. If anything they made me sound as if i was a dimwit. Why did two world geniuses, pick a dimwit to become their first ever assistant? Or maybe Victoria and Alexander actually filled out the application correctly. Either way i need to get out of this town, is this is my opportunity to do that?

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