Chapter 3: A Light Descends

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     Once again I felt all eyes on me as I stepped down from the dais. Only, this time the stares were of awe, even envy. I didn't really know how to feel so I kept My eyes fixated of the golden leaf covered ground as I retook my place in the column. My thoughts were unorganized to say the least. I had never imagined I would unlock a rare attribute. Rare attributes were highly sought after by the kingdom and anyone who had one was destined to become a top ranked knight. Which to most people would sound amazing but to me, what should've been an amazing even destiny changing moment instead filled me with fear. What if I couldn't master my abilities or live up to the kingdom's expectations?

   An elbow nudged me and I didn't even have to look up to tell who it was. Bertran nudged him again and this time I looked up and met his eyes.

    "Don't think you are gonna be the only one to get a special attribute," He mocked. But I could see something in his eyes that I didn't normally see. His competitive nature was coming out. I took a deep breath feeling the chilly wind fill my lungs. This wasn't something to mope about. I forced a smile and nodded an agreement. Bertran's eyes studied me a flick of worry blossoming on his face before disappearing just as quickly and he turned away.
"Well, that sure was a surprise," instructor Falax boomed his voice carrying clearly over us. It quickly stopped any murmuring conversations in their tracks. The king will surely be please but we have yet to see the others attributes so let us make use of this good omen.
   "Time is of the essence, Bertran would you be so kind as to join us upon the dais." Rollo watched Bertran stride forward his back straight his eyes completely focused on the steps to the stage. The only thought that crossed his mind as he made his way up the dais to stand before the tree root was that Bertran in that moment looked like a hero in the stories his father used to tell me. His face was serene and relaxed and although He just couldn't figure out why. There was something regal about him.

He placed his hand upon the root and closed his eyes. "So this is what it looked like to others when you do your awakening?" He thought to himself. A light wind rustled Bertran's thin grey cloak briefly picking it up and sending before it fluttered back down. Other than that there was no other reaction for several minutes. Nobody spoke as the chill of the morning seemed to creep into his bones. Rollo shivered against this new cold.

It was subtle at first, but He quickly became aware of lightness to the area. shadows weren't as long as they were before and a calm but still ever growing pressure had descended on the area. He wasn't the only one who felt it either. Puzzled looks could be seen on the faces of most of the instructors present. Instructor Falax seemed to glance around the clearing nervously as if he was expecting an attack. The grizzled instructor at the end seemed to be the only one who wasn't panicking in fact his face seemed to hold... awe."

He didn't have time to really think it over though. A palpable energy descended and a light whose source was quickly identified filled the area. He averted my eyes raising his right hand to shield his face.

"Bertran?" The voice was small, full of wonder but he recognized it as the voice of Catherine. suddenly Rollo found his breath coming in ragged gasps as the enormity of the situation came crashing down on him.
   "My Lord! Is that a light attribute?!" Instructor Falax's eyes had gone as big as dinner platers and even from where He stood He could see the beads of sweat that had appeared all over his face. He grabbed a hold of his cloak around his neck and used it to wipe the sweat off.
   Rollo was  at a loss for words. Not that He could have spoken even if He wanted to. Noise erupted on the dais as everyone seemed to start talking at once.
   "Squires clear the area of all the peasantry and lock down the area!" Orders one knight in a blueish cloak over his chainmail hauberk. 
   "I've only ever heard about this in legend." Another of the knights said.
   "His majesty should be informed immediately." Then a bright flash blinded everyone for a second and a thunderous roar assaulted his ears causing him to cover them with my leather gloves hands.
   "That is enough!" A voice boomed. Rollo scanned the stunned faces of the knights present. It was the gloomy looking knight in the grey cloak and plate armor who had spoken. His voice deep but filled with contempt.
   "You are knights of the realm! Act like it!."

Instantly the voices calmed. He knew there had never been a light attributed knight before in existence and He knew that from now on Bertran's life would be forever changed. But he could bring himself to be happy for his friend. With the knights now distracted with the appearance of Bertran and his amazing light attribute they had forgotten about him who had apparently been given the rare lightning attribute. I studied Bertran's face but he seemed to have not heard anything. His eyes were still closed and a aura of relaxation and a calm seemed to radiate out from him.

   Slowly he opened his eyes a bewildered look on his face. Rollo himself remembered the magical almost wonderous feeling of the tree root. He cast his eyes about as movement flickered at the edge of his vision. He didn't even have time to register that a serving girl had broke rank and dashed for the exit to the small grove.

   "Seize her!" A voice thundered and Instructor Falax drew the ruby hilted sword at his side.

  Then everyone was in movement as pages and squires alike rushed the young serving girl as she attempted to flee. He simply stood there neither moving to help restrain her nor to help her. a funny voice in the back of his mind told him to help her but He shut that down hard.

  Rollo had only partially drawn his dirk out of its simple leather sheath when the commotion died down. Gradually people began to part before a tight knot of people. As the crowd parted He caught a glimpse of a young woman held limply in between that arms of two men at arms.

   The girl was simple and unadorned wearing a simply grey servants dress. But at closer a closer look He noticed she was quite fair a fair straight hair and beautiful brown hair. She was bleeding from a cut of her head probably from where the guards had struck her. Regardless of what she was wearing He could tell she was no servant her skin looked smooth and well kept.

   "Well," Rollo said to himself. "Things are getting more and more interesting."

Knight of the Oaken Shield Book 1: Shadow Phoenix RisingWhere stories live. Discover now