Chapter 6: The Third

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    "When you are meeting with the king you must show proper respect." Instructor Falax stated as he led Rollo and Bertran down a stone hallway their boots clicking against the flagstones. They had successfully arrived in the palace of the Capital city of Owenia. A cover ornate red carriage took them through the city so Rollo didn't get to see much of the city. Something he was very disappointed about. He also realized there would be time for exploration later.
     "First you will be escorted to the delegate changing rooms." Instructor Falax looked Rollo up and down pausing in the expansive well lit corridor. He clicked his tongue in disappointment. "We can't have you meeting the king and the lords dressed as you are." Rollo rubbed his head as he looked down at his leather tunic. They walked
Down the hallway in an awkward silence after that until they were greeted by a small group of young women in simple red dresses.
  "Lord Falax we can take over from here," young blond haired servant said after stepping forward. "I was told to notify you that the king wants to meet you immediately regarding the future of the three squires." Rollo rubbed his head but before he could voice his thoughts the instructor did it for him.
   "Three?" He questioned "I only brought two." The servant smiled and shook her head as if she had expected this.
   "Knight Orthos has just informed us of a third unique squire who was determined to have twin elemental affinities." The shock was immediate.
   "Two elemental affinities!!? That's never happened, I thought it was impossible." The young woman just smiled before continuing.
    "Milord this matter is of the upmost importance please go see his Majesty." Instructor Falax stopped talking. He turned around and gestured Rollo and Bertran forward.
  "Boys follow these young lady's and they will see to it that you have the proper attire befitting of a Knight squire at court." With that he stormed away.
"Milords if you will follow me," the young lady gracefully turned around and began walking. Rollo briefly glanced at Bertran before following the maids. They walked for a length of time until they came to a spiral staircase which they followed downward till they came to a oaken door. The lady's opened the door before leading them inside. He quickly looked around and saw that the room was quite small and unlike the rest of the palace so far was dimly lit.only a few candles lit this room as their were no windows. There was also no bed but two small basins or water were placed in the middle of the floor. And two set of clothes and two sets of red leather cuirasses were folded neatly next to the basins. Rollo turned around and against the wall glinting in the candlelight were two identical long swords each about three feet in length and wrapped in a black leather sheath.
    "Please wash your face and get dressed. Then we will take you to see his majesty."
   "What you don't want to stay and watch," Rollo replied. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Bertran roll his eyes at him. Bertran always did hate when he would flirt.
A small blush appeared on the young woman's face but she quickly turned and hurried out the door. He just shrugged as the other women shut the door and left as well.
"It was worth a try," he stated. He turned and faced Bertran they were both a bit in shock at the turn of events that had taken place. He could've never imagined that they would be in this position. The events of the morning swirled through his head as they both stood awkwardly in front of the wash basin. Well time to get to it, he thought to himself as he pulled his tunic over his head after undoing his dagger belt. He then cupped his hands and reached into the water. It was warm but not hot. The water was cool on his skin. The refreshing crisp air that came afterwards revitalized him. He could feel his fatigue draining away.

   "Whoa!" was all he could manage. Stunned he looked again down at the basin. Green light was coming from underneath. He stooped to take a closer looked and could see the intricate crisscross patterns and inscriptions that made up a magic circle centered around the stone basin. He shook his head amazed and quickly finished washing his face before he turned to the pile of folded clothes. He unfolded them and picked up the tunic, a simple but elegant thing it fit him well enough when he put it on. He tugged on the leather pants before fastening the simple unadorned sword to his side.

    He couldn't quite describe the feeling of finally wearing a sword at his side. After five years, it had all led up to this. He was finally a squire. An intense feeling of pride warmed his cheeks as he picked up the simple pale blue cloak. he quickly fastened it around his shoulders before reaching down to make sure his sword belt was suitably tightened.

   He fingered the hilt of his new sword. He wanted to draw it but held himself back. He was no longer a child to be swinging around a weapon of war, He was a squire of the Knights of Owenia one of the most prestigious knight orders in Silcrestia, and he needed to act like it.

   A knock on the door startled causing him to flash a look over to Bertran who had just finished putting on his own blue cloak.

   "Milords are you ready?" came a voice. It was clearly the young servant from before. Bertran looked at him nodding his head. Clearly he expected him to answer. He took a deep breath before approaching the door and opening it. Whether it was how fast he opened the door or how sudden he had done it the young girl yelped in surprise jumping backward at the same time. A blush lit up her cheeks as she noticed it was him. She recovered quickly as she raised her skirt and curtsied, bowing her head.

   "If you will follow me Sir's I'll lead you to the audience chamber. We must go quickly as His Majesty is waiting!"

   They followed the woman down the hall to another set of stairs at the end. The stairway echoed with the sounds of their boots striking the stone. They emerged out of the stairwell and into a brightly lit vaulted hallway flanked on either side by tall colored windows. They walked toward two intricate wooden door which were several spans taller than they were. Two lions were etched into the doors to face each other. Both roaring their defiance at the other.

    They stopped just before the door and the young woman turned to talk to him. "Wait here, I'll inform his majesty of your arrival. With that she swiftly disappeared inside closing the doors as quickly as she had opened it. Rollo waited for something to happen. He could hear hushed voices coming from beyond the door but what the voices were saying he couldn't quite make out. 

    He was focusing pretty intently so he nearly jumped when he heard footsteps approaching behind him and Bertran. He turned to see the same grizzled knight that was present at the Zoan tree walking briskly toward them a silver cape fluttering behind him. His armor had changed instead of the blue and yellow he had been wearing before, he was wearing a brown padded surcoat under a silvery mail and plate chest guard.
He slowed to a stop as he approached them from behind. His grey piercing eyes looked over both of them and Rollo braced for another shock. However it never came, he just sat there tense waiting for something to happen. Like a coiling snake.
   "We'll I suppose you'll have to do." His voice was smooth and calm. It didn't match his grizzled face at all in Rollo's opinion. With out another word he pushed passed them heading directly into the audience hall. Rollo looked over at Bertran but Bertran just shook his head.

   "What do you think that was about?" he asked. Bertran shrugged not answering his question. That wasn't like him. It wasn't long before he understood what was going on. Him sporadically tapping the sword at his side as his eyes danced back and forth seemingly scanning the great door for any movement. These were all sign that his friend was definitely nervous.

   How rare, he thought he didn't even know Bertran could be nervous. A loud trumpets horn jolted him out of his thoughts as clear shuffling could be heard from inside the room just beyond the door.

   "Well," Rollo said quietly so that only Bertran could hear. "I think we are about to find out." With that the door shifted inwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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