chapter 1

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Tae pov: I was walking after meeting my uncle..and I saw my little fairy, (I mean my 3 years old little sister) waddling towards me followed by a doze of royal servants n guards..What's she doing...before I ask something she crashed onto me

Tae: Princess?

Yn: (giggling) Up Up (spreding her little arms to be picked up)

(I awed at her but I found something fishy because all were following her)
Ofc princess
(I picked her up n held her securely in my hand & she hugged my neck softly)

Tae: Why were you running this fast my princess? (I asked looking at her faced)

Tae pov: Princess's lips turned into an exact round (😮) n softly gasped like she did something bad..So I raised an eyebrown questioning her

Tae: what happened? (I asked from the guards)

Tae pov: at the same time, she wiggled to get free from my grip so I let her go while carefully placing her little figure on the ground...and the next moment this girl started to walk..I mean in her pov she is running so fast..

Tae:This girl (I took few stepped n again picked her up eventhough she was struggling to get out)
Princess (I told in a warning tone)

Yn: (pouted n looked down)

Tae: What's going on
Any explanation? (I told to the guards..eventhough I'm a 14 years old child in front of them, they seems to be deadly scared of my presence as they were continously bowing..)

Servant: Prince, litlle princess is refusing to have her breakfast
Pls spare us this time
(They begged with respect as usual...)

Tae pov: I got a little angry with yn..because I already told her not to skip meals..also not to be stubborn...see this kiddo-!

Tae: Princess
Is this true?

Yn: y-yes oppa (she mumbled clutching into my clothes)

Tae: ok you think you have something to tell them? (I pointed at the doze of servants n guards)

Yn: yes..I am sowwy

Them: It's honour to serve you my princess (they bowed with respect)

Tae: You can go

(Servants bowed us n went)

Yn: O-oppa

Tae: (I just glared at her n went to the dining room..n placed on her high chair so I can feed her..took a spoon n took near her mouth..n then only I heard a sob..I looked at her n she was almost about to cry...I sighed n took her on to my lap)

Tae:- Now...What happened? (I asked bit softly than before)

Yn: Are you mwad at meh (she asked playing with fingers)

Tae: Shouldn't I?

Yn: I am sowwy oppah (baby voice)

Tae : It's okay now eat

Yn: No!- Huggie (she spread her arms)

Tae pov: Aish this cutie...I hugged her softly n she giggled snuggling to me

Yn: Iobh you-

Tae:- I lobh- (cut off by a loud name calling of mine..who dare to raise voice at meh😲, me is the Prince-wait what?)--

???: Taee!- hey wake upp!! IT's already 7 o'clock
Your exam..heyyy! Wake upp

Tae pov; I shot up n sat on my bed..I saw my mon smiling at meh.


Mrs.Kim :- Yes good morning son
Now quickly get up..aish what's so hard to wake up this 19 yrs old boy (she shook her head while smiling)

Tae:(I smiled nervously) hehe sorry Eomma...
Wait..then...Eomma!!!- I saw a princess.......

[I told you I'll give you an intro..But as the story flows.., I'll give you the intros for each incident...or else you guys will be confused about characters..Sorry about that 😁😂]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>To be continued <<<<<<<<<<<

And hello again!-

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*It's a FANFICTION so don't expect anything to be real*

Thank youh....💌


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