Chapter 3

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In few days, Tae and Yn got closer to each other...Tae really cared of her as his own sister...

Today he is now waiting until Yn's Guardians come to pick her up as Arin and Jimin left to home

Tae: How do you go to home after school in other days ynie?

Yn: With my oppa (She said swinging her little hands together with Tae's big hands, looking road for her oppa)

Tae: Oh...

(Tae felt little jealous after hearing this...He thought yn is only his little sister...But he shrugged off and squeezed her little hand softly n lovingly feeling one of the best moments of his life)

Few minutes past then a boy came in a hurry and stopped at them while panting.

??; Ynie...(sigh)

Yn; Oppa... Why were you late huh... (crossed her arms infront of her chest with pout, while looking up at the boy straight)

??; Sorry ynie. There was traffic when I stepped out just to pick you up...Hehe I fell asleep accidently in the bus- (He said scratching his neck from behind. And then only he noticed Tae)

??; Oh you. You are a right?

Tae: So, you are also studying here...? (He said with his usual smile)

??; Yeah- wait did you wait because of her?

Tae nodded with a smile and said, " Hmm... She was the only one left from little students so how can I not?

??; Ohh...I'm so sorry... Thank you for your help, Mr.-

Tae: No worries. It's my responsibility 😊I'm Taehyung. You can call me Hyung... (he said forwarding his hand)

?? :Oh, okay Hyung. I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. (He let his hand to be joined with Tae's hand)

Tae pov; what...who's that...Why...Why he feels so familiar. No no... uh...

Jk's pov: Hyung...Can.. hyung...nah nah..cannot's not possible. This feels so...nvm..

Jk; Nice to meet you hyung... (He said awkwardly)

Tae: You too (he also said still thinking about the feeling)

Yn: I am hungryyyy...When will you guys stop talking... she whined clutching on to Jungkook's dress)

Jk: Oh sorry...let's go kiddo-bye hyung... (They waved n left)

Tae left to home feeling uneasy...He badly wanted a little sister. And the feeling popped along with kookie?

Tae pov; Who's that... why I feel so familiar...Both yn n Jungkook...whyy...? (He fell asleep with these al thoughts.)

??; hyuuuungg....!!

Tae pov: I was practicing little magic tricks with my sister and then I heard a familiar voice shouting my name. I knew there is only person who dares to call me by that name so I turned to him with a questioning look, only to see a crying boy with a pale face along with unbreakable sobs. Without wasting any time, I ran to him. I asked "Why', while carefully cupping his cute face in my palms...)

Kookie: (sob)

Tae: Calm down..kookie..shh.. stop crying..(I hugged him)

Princess yn: Kookie oopa calm down (She said softly caressing kookie's arms, throwing her little palm, to the highest as much as she can...)

Tae pov: I smiled at my baby princess seeing how caring she is n picked her up in one hand and hugged kookie from my other arm...n then I softly asked from kookie what happened? And then only he spoke)

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