1 - I'm in the Cookie Kingdom?! (Part 1)

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Your pov:

Another day has been over, I lay down on my couch as I turned my phone on, then I opened my favorite game called Cookie Run Kingdom and waited for the loading screen to open. Then, I touched the screen of my phone until I see the familier Cookie Kingdom I built.

I smiled at when I saw the cookies again and started checking on my mailbox to see get my daily mail, including getting my daily rewards from the fountain and the Tropical Islands ship, then I went to arena's to see if I lost any trophies, just to see I just lost a few of them. I then had a lot of tickets of the arena so I decided to fight one of the other players with the least powers of their cookies and along with no legendary cookies, along with Ancient cookies.

After a few wons, I then checked on my kingdom as I got one of the cookies to work on the materials I needed to expand the kingdom including delivering through the train including the trador's ship. Then after hours of playing the game. I left the kingdom once more as switched off the connection of internet.

It was nearly night, so I decided to make myself dinner, after that, I washed the dirty dishes before going to bed. Then, I went to the living room as I turned the TV on and started watching a movie to entertain myself.


After the movie ended, I yawned in exhaustion, it was finally time for bed. I turned the TV off including the lights as I made my way upstairs in the bathroom. After I finished using the bathroom, I changed into my nightwear as I placed my phone near my nightstand as I turned my night lamp off before I closed my eyes and went into a peaceful slumber.

No one's pov:

While (Y/N) was peacefully sleeping, her phone started vibrating like crazy for a minute until it suddenly stopped, all of a sudden her phone screen glowed bright light, nearly covering the whole bedroom.

Suddenly, (Y/N)'s whole body started changing into a cookie body, unknown to the sleeping girl, she was then softly landed into the ground, then some shadow's covered around the girl's body as they started whispering.

"Is it really her?"

"Of course it's her, who do you even expect?"

"Our plan worked! Now Baker is here in the kingdom!"

"Quick, let's get her into one of the cookie houses!"

Then, someone carried (Y/N)'s body as they started walking away towards one of the cookie houses.

Your pov:

I was sleeping comfortably, but.....something isn't right. I then opened my eyes, which was a bit of a blur, then I sat up and gave a good stretch, I rubbed my eyes so I could see clearly, then what I saw wasn't I expected. I wasn't in my room anymore.

I was in a different room, it looks like...a cookie room? The walls are a bit different since they have crunchy cookie walls, the room I'm in smelled a lot like sweets, and  the bed I was laying was made of biscuits including the other furnitures, what's going on? Suddenly I then heard the door opened, when I turned to the direction the door was, my eyes widen when I saw that person...

...or should I say...







And that cookie was none other than Gingerbrave himself, one of the main characters in Cookie Run Kingdom. He must've noticed me once he made eye contact with me, he then cleared his throat with made my snap out of my thoughts as he spoke up "Oh, you're awake, I thought you were still asleep, I was just about to bring you some food here." I then looked at his hands and saw a tray filled with star jellies and a glass of water. He gave me the tray, whiched I thanked him and started eating as he watched me.

Then after a moment, I spoke up "So Gingerbrave, why and how am I here?" I asked as Gingerbrave answered my question "Oh, long story short, all of the magic user cookies wanted to bring you here since we have a huge, like a real huge favor to ask you." This made me a little suspicious, but decided to let it slip for now as I asked "And that favor is?" Everthing was silent for a moment before Gingerbrave finally answered, that made me shocked when I heard those words come out of his mouth.











"We want you to be our ruler and our Baker." This made me looked at him shocked, making me speechless. After what felt like hours, I finally spoke up "I...I don't know what to say, I didn't think I would become a ruler in the kingdom I built in game, even a Baker, I don't know how to say." I spoke as Gingerbrave nodded, understanding my situation.

"It's alright, me and the others will give you time to wait for your answer, we'll be waiting downstairs." I nodded as Gingerbrave left me alone, now I was once again alone in the room as I started thinking, helping the cookies here in Earthbread would be nice but there were chances Dark Enchantress Cookie and the other cookies of darkness will come after me. But more importantly, will I ever get back home again?

This was a tough decision for me to decided, but in the end, I knew I had to make the right choice, so I took a deep breath, I know what decision I'll make.

No one's pov:

Meanwhile, Gingerbrave and his friends were at the living room of the cookie house, waiting for (Y/N) to make her decision, after what felt like hours, they heard (Y/N) calling up for them "Guys! You can come up now!" They quickly stood up and went towards the bedroom (Y/N) was in.

They looked at her as she tried to stood up, but their Baker being a cookie for the first time, she hard a hard time standing up due to her thin cookie legs, Gingerbrave had to help her as she thanked him and looked at the cookies once more, until she finally spoke up "I've made my decision, I will agree to become your ruler including your Baker, but in return, I also wanted to find my way back home in the real world, but don't worry, I will still come back, so is that alright with you all?"

The cookies agreed immediately, they were happy their Baker agreed to this decision she made, so they didn't change it. Finally, a ruler who can help them by their side instead by helping them through the screen.

The Baker and the Cookie Kingdom (Self Aware CRK Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now