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A girl made her way through a flurry of clothes ,her short blonde hair swishing as she searched for the familiar face in the room bustling with helpers and stylists . Servants clearing the mess left behind , few of them moving racks of clothes , decorating the place with flowers, and some of them arranging the table of champagne glasses, their movements frantic. The chaos in the room palpable, knowing fully that the person she's searching for is the reason behind all of this.

She was halted in her movements as her heels got stuck in a pink shimmery fabric, muttering a curse she bent down and tried to remove that annoying piece of fabric from her black Louboutin as carefully as she could, knowing fully well if anything were to happen to this precious baby  her friend would chew her ear off. After getting rid of that annoyance , she straightened, finally taking a note of her surroundings.

The ivory coloured walls of the penthouse engulfed her with the nostalgia, to her right were the  same floor-to-ceiling windows, the rose pink chesterfield couch to her left, contrasting with the plush white rug, she remembered spending most of her time here, gossiping about moronic boys ,heartbreaks ,new obsessions and ignorant parents. It used to be her favourite spot , directly in front of the 85 inch tv screen. The fresh carnation on the side table reminding her of the presence of this house's owner.

She was pulled out of her reverie when she heard someone calling her name, turning back she was met with the all too familiar face, of the short and busty women.


"Veronica, my child ,How are you ? " The middle aged lady barely managed to speak from the tight embrace of the tall girl, overjoyed seeing the girl she basically raised.

"Still the smart and amazing girl that you left behind " Veronica grinned ,flipping her short blonde locks,  " Linda says that I've become more intimidating , like that's true? Nonsense  "  she  added folding her arms against her chest.

The middle aged women, Nora Harper, continued to stare at the tall girl, taking in all that she has missed . Veronica has always been a tall girl , now more in those scary heels, her straight  long blonde hair stylishly trimmed to shoulder length, the girl used to threaten anyone ,who dare touched her hair. Her hooded eyes more defined with the winged eyeliner, hazel orbs shining and ruby red lips pulled in a smirk. The girl looked so different, in the formal black pants and white high-neck ruffled blouse, so used to seeing her teenage self , always roaming in skimpy tank tops and shorts . It was hard to believe that it was the same girl who hated anything formal .

Veronica snapped her fingers , demanding the lady's attention "Are you done with your staring?"

"I'm not staring ,just admiring how my little girl has turned into a beautiful women" replied the middle-aged lady, lightly hitting the girl on her arms.

Putting her arms around the short lady's shoulder ,"You also don't look half bad" 

"And Nona these wrinkles are making you extra pretty " the blonde teased.

"Young lady mind I tell you that these wrinkles are because of your dear friend, that silly girl never fails to make me worry. I'm telling you one of these days I'm going to get a heart attack because of her" the lady huffed , as she continued walking .

Veronica snorted at the women's comment, "speaking of the silly girl ,I'm guessing this fruit bowl is for her "she asked before popping a strawberry in her mouth , eyeing the chocolate drizzle on the fruits , she smirked "har spaachal dayaat fbdd "

"ow! Wut...the hell noonaa" she complained when the short lady hit her on the arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you young lady, to not speak while eating. Its rude."

𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓶𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓸𝓼Where stories live. Discover now