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Achara stayed home for the next few days. Polly came over to check up on the girl regularly and told her about Ada being in hiding. She was happy and sad. A friend was getting married, and she was excited. She'd always wanted to herself, walking down the aisle in a wedding dress, with a man on the end waiting for her. Someone sweet and gentle, someone who cared. He'd be tall and handsome, he'd take care of her and love her. She felt sad. Freddie should've left, they should've gone, it's not safe now. She didn't understand why he didn't just leave. For America maybe, they'd already had their revolution. Yet he stayed, endangering them both.

She walked into the garrison for the first time in days. She pulled herself behind the bar, said her hellos to everyone, and got to work pouring beers for the men. It was Grace's day off yet again, so it was just her and Harry behind the bar. Achara still had a slight cough but was able to work. Her hands moved fast as she filled drink after drink, exchanging small talk as she did so. The lively atmosphere was something she dearly missed, it filled her chest with a warm sensation and she just couldn't help smiling. Most people would find it gross, especially those with more money, she remembered back to when she heard Mrs Lovelace call them scummy. Yet for her, it is what she loved most.

"Are you sure you're alright to work?" Harry said after she'd coughed a second time. She had a slight headache and coughed here and there but it was nothing serious, she'd gotten through the worst part of her sickness, now she just had to be careful. She nodded quickly before returning to pouring the man's beverage, the girl handed him his drink and smiled as he walked away. Soon enough she saw the Shelby brothers walk through the door. Walking side by side, laughing amongst each other. This time the pub did not become silent or awkward.

"Angel!" Arthur exclaimed, his arms out like they were about to embrace. They walked up to the bar and John rested his hands on the bar. Thomas just stared at her, not a word seeping through his mouth. She sighed in relief, she didn't have the energy to deal with his insufferable attitude. She thought back to when he had come to her home, how he apologised as he left and truly looked like he meant it, she knew he did. Of course, he did, Thomas Shelby didn't apologise to anyone, yet he apologised to her. She didn't know what to make of his apology, she knew he was genuine in his guilt but she was still hurt. His words cut deep, a wound that would need stitches.

"Hiya Arth," She winked at John, "John," He gave her one of his big toothy grins before asking her for some beer in the private room. They soon left into their private room, the room was filled with laughter as they played their cards. She went through the back, dug the bucket in the bitter drink and brought 3 glasses from under the bar. She opened the door and a cloud of smoke wafted in her face causing her to cough. She grabbed onto her chest in a feeble attempt to control her coughing but it didn't work. She smiled slightly as she walked in.

"No hello for Tommy?" John asked with his mischievous grin. The girl giggled, Thomas swore that there was nothing on earth so beautiful.

"No offence, but he's intolerable." The room erupted into laughter, with Arthur elbowing his younger brother and saying 'ya hear that!' The girl smiled as she dug each glass in the bucket, leaving them on the table, she winked at them as she left. Thomas watched with low eyes as she left, he'd try again, to apologise. He felt compelled too like he needed her to be on good terms with him so he could think clearly. He didn't know what he was feeling, how his heart sored every time she smiled. How jealous he felt when he saw her laughing at another man's jokes. He pushed down everything, everything he felt, repeating to himself 'emotions cloud judgement.'

𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙏𝙃 - 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙗𝙮Where stories live. Discover now