8- Comforting & fighting.

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Chapter 8: Comforting & fighting.

Next morning. well morning for Yoongi, afternoon for you.

You woke up at 1 p.m obviously staying alone. You got up and did your morning routine in the bathroom downstairs.

You went to the kitchen looking for something to eat and found what left of his breakfast.

Well...something's better than nothing.

You took the pancakes and jumped on the couch, turning on the TV and scrolling through the channels, after a while you hear your phone signaling the arrival of a message.

Jake the jerk:
<it has been a while bby girl ;)>

<yeah, dude. Where've u been?>

Jake the jerk:
<Miss me?>

<Not really>

Jake the jerk:
<ouch, ok then ig I'm not coming over
To hang out with u :(

<ok, maybe i miss u just a lil bit>

Jake the jerk:
<lol, ok open the door>

You ran to open the door, and he was already standing there. Letting him go inside, you head to the kitchen to get him a glass of something.

"So, what's up?" Jake did the hard part of starting the conversation.

"Well, not much." You hand him a glass filled with apple juice.

"Mm, cool."

And then the awkward silent made you wanna rip your hair off. Both of you just sat on the couch, him sipping his juice, and you just looking around the spacious room.

"Dude, say something!" You broke the silence.

"Umm, i-i think I'm... in love with you..." Jake said, making you choke on your own saliva. You surely didn't expect that. At all.

"Wh-wh-wait, what? How?" You look at him, he was looking everywhere but you.

"Dude, we've only met once and- and you're saying that your are Actually IN LOVE with me? Are you kidding me?!" You exclaim.

"Of course I AM!" You then hear the most annoying laugh ever, "Did you seriously buy that?" He makes fun of you.

Oh wow.

"I'm gonna kill you, asshole!" You grab the nearest pillow and you hit him with it until he is ready to give up.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Oh, God." He inhales deeply, as he tries to get away from your massive, pillow hits.

"I was just joking!"

"Whatever." You roll your eyes.

"So," he fixes his posture, and brush back his silky hair. "How are you and Yoongi holding up?" He asks.

"What do you mean 'holding up'? You sound like we just lost our child in a car accident." You huff.

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