2. sulljin

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- late night -

choi yunjin patiently waited for her girlfriend, sullyoon to come home. it was 1:30, 4 hours after she promised to be back. although yunjin was disappointed, she was not surprised. her girlfriend had been doing this a lot recently.

the sudden click of a key being inserted into the the key hole surprised. seconds later her girlfriend walked in. it was pitch black downstairs, so the odor girl jumped when a lamp was switched on, and she was covered in light.

"baby? hi. what are you still doing up?" the girl asked, her heart beating in her chest. she didn't expect anyone to be up. 

she was wearing a black strapless dress, and a pretty pearl necklace. her tan-coloured heels were halfway off, in an attempt to sneak in quietly. the girl's once neatly curled hair was a straight mess, some of her mascara seemed to be coming off, and her lipstick was slightly smeared.

"hi, sullyoon. i could just ask you the same thing: what are you still doing up?"

sullyoon let out a nervous laugh. her throat felt try and she didn't know what to say.

sullyoon sighed. "jinni, how many times do we have to go over this? i told you one of my co-workers invited me to the bar. i know i promised i was going to be home at 9, but i got distracted. i'm so sorry, i promise i'll be home on time next time ."

"you always say that! you always make promises that you know you aren't able to keep. why do you always do this? sullyoon, why do you keep lying to me?" the pink-haired girl asked her girlfriend. sullyoon brushed her hair out of her face, before looking at the floor.

"i'm sorry, okay? you don't understand what my job is like, i can't always be home at the time you expect me to. and, maybe if you weren't so annoying all the time, i'd actually want to come home early!" sullyoon snapped at her girlfriend.

yunjin quickly stood up from the chair she was sitting in, stepping closer to the brunette. "you're right. i'm so sorry. i won't bother you about this again. it's just- sometimes i worry about you, okay?" she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "sometimes.. i wonder if you still like me."

"of course i do! why do you always say that?"

"sullyoon, can we please just talk about this in the morning? i don't want to fight before bed, just answer my question please." yunjin asked desperately. she looked at her girlfriend, who couldn't meet her eyes.

"i-" sullyoon began, but was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming. of course she'd want to be alone right now.

"goodnight, jinni."

sullyoon slumped onto the couch, running her hands through her hair. she didn't know what to do, or how she was going to fix this.

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