3. gyulsun

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it was raining, hard, when roh jisun was walking home. she clutched tighter onto her bag, shivering from the cold.

she should've taken the bus home, or better yet asked her roommate to pick her up. but no, she-

" oww ! " jisun shrieked. she tripped, falling face first into the sidewalk, rain and mud getting all over her clothes. " what the- "

jisun got up, looking to see what she fell over. it was.. a painting?

hmm, that's odd; jisun thought to herself. it was a painting of a girl, standing on a balcony and holding an umbrella. behind her was a house with an assortment of trees. the girl in the painting was holding her hand out and looking at something in the distance.

 the girl in the painting was holding her hand out and looking at something in the distance

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pretty!; jisun thought. it might've been just a painting, but jisun thought the girl was beautiful.

jisun took the same route to get to school every day, but she'd never seen the painting. it was almost as if it'd magically appeared before her. she picked the painting up, looking to see if there the name of the artist, but there was nothing.

since it didn't belong to anyone, jisun saw no harm in taking it home for herself. she grabbed the painting, before continuing her walk home.


" i'm homee~ " jisun drawled out as she entered her apartment. surprisingly, she didn't get an answer. maybe her roommate was out? 

she sighed as she set her bag down as well with the painting, before going to the shower to clean herself up.

after jisun washed up, she went to her room, bringing the painting with her. she decided to hang it up before going to sleep.

stepping back to see if the painting was hung up straight on the wall, she frowned when she realized something about the painting looked.. different. she couldn't tell what it was, but she shrugged it off.

after the long day, jisun was happy to crawl into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

the next morning, jisun woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around in the apartment. she turned around in her bed, checking the time on her phone. it was only 5:30? surely her roommate wouldn't be up this early...

" hayoung!? " jisun called out as she sat up. " hey, hayoung! are you up? "

jisun sat up, rubbing her eyes as she got out of bed. she was walking over to her bathroom when something caught her eye.

the painting.

she gasped when she realized the girl in the painting.. was missing. it was almost as if she had been erased from the painting.

" what the- " jisun muttered to herself. it was too early for this.

she continued to the bathroom, when she realized someone was in there. jisun furrowed her eyebrows, confused. " hayoung? helloo, are you awake? "

no response.

jisun huffed, before quickly opening the door.
" hayo- aah ! " she shrieked.

standing in front of jisun was a girl.

a very naked girl.

jisun put a hand over her eyes, dropping her phone in shock.

" w-what? who- ? " jisun stuttered out.

" hey. " the girl replied with a chuckle. who the hell was this girl?!!

she didn't remember coming home with any one last night, nor did she remember her roommate and her girlfriend being home.

and as much as jisun hated to admit, this girl was gorgeous. she was surprised she would even be in her house.

" what- can you at least put a towel on? " jisun asked, snapping out of her thoughts.

" oh. sorry. " the mystery girl replied. " hey, you can look now. "

jisun removed her hand from her eyes, now looking at the girl. she looked familiar: black hair, with dark brown eyes and flawless skin. she was very pretty.

" w-who are you? " jisun questioned.

" oh, right. here- let me show you. " the girl answers, grabbing jisun's arm and leading her back into her room.

" what are you trying to show me? " jisun mumbled, before she looked at the what the girl was pointing at.

the painting?

the painting.


" that's- " jisun began.

" mhm. " the girl hummed, cutting jisun off.

" b-b-but that's a- "

" b-b-but.. what? " the girl laughed, teasingly mocking jisun.

" stop! " jisun huffed. she was still trying to comprehend everything that was happening. " so, you're trying to tell me that you hopped out of that painting. "

the girl nodded. unbelievable!

" okay.. well what are you doing here. " jisun questioned.

" well, you're a lot dumber than you look. " the girl replied with a raised eyebrow. rude!

" you brought me home last night, roh jisun. except i was still, you know in the painting. "

how does she-

" wait how do you- "

" jisun school started for you in ten minutes. do you wanna be early, or do you wanna keep interrogating me ? " the girl sassed.

" i- " jisun groaned. she couldn't believe she was getting told off by a stranger in her own house.
" whatever. but this is not over. "

" wait. so, you'll let me stay? " the girl asked, confused.

jisun nodded, before grabbing her bag. " yeah. but this conversation isn't over. "

after getting ready, jisun left her apartment to walk to school. she chuckled to herself, did that really just happen?

UNEDITED; i hope this was ok, i haven't written in a while :(

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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