(Side story) A Birthday To Remember.

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Shoto POV:
"Shoto darling~." I hear a voice call my name, gaining my attention. "Hmm~ Five more minutes~." I groan shifting the opposite way the voice came from. "Don't you wanna go out for your big day love?" The voice asks making me think for a second...Hmm, big day?...MY BIRTHDAY! JULY TWENTY FOURTH, TODAY! I quickly sit up to see the demon hovering over my just now awoken body. "There you go, happy birthday baby." He says before leaning in to kiss me. He brings his hands to my waist as I close my eyes, bringing myself into the kiss. He pulls away and I open my eyes to see the raven hair smiling back at me. "Thank you Vox." I reply to the demon placing my hands ontop of his. "So, anything specific you'd like to do today?" The demon asks and I think for a minute. "How about we go hang out with the others, I would really enjoy that!" I reply back to Vox and he lets out a sarcastic awee. "But I wanted to have you all to myself today~." He pouts his lips giving me puppy dog eyes. "I told you not to pout your lipss. It doesn't look good on youu~." I say to him, poking his lips with my index finger. "But~ you'll have me all to yourself tonight." I add on with a lustful look on my face while tracing my finger down from his lips to his slightly exposed chest. He grabs my hand midway, looking down on me with a mischievous grin plastered all over his face. "Alright, that's fair enough." He replies bringing my hand to his face to kiss it. "Stay here for me hun." He says and I nod in response.

Vox POV:
I exit the bedroom while the purple-haired boy lay peacefully in the covers, draped around his body. Little did he know me and the others (Shu, Mysta, Luca, Ike, Nina, Pomu, Bao, Reimu, Mika, Fulgur, and Uki) had been planning a surprise party for him this entire week, and now it was finally Sunday, the day of the party. I make my way down the staircases and into the kitchen to grab a tray decked with pancakes, fruits, bacon, eggs, and a glass of juice on the side. I walk out of the kitchen passing counters and up the staircase that I came from. I knock at the door letting him know I was coming in. I open the door to see the smaller figure sitting up still in bed waiting for me to return as he displayed the brightest smile I've seen from him yet today. "For you, my love." I say to him, walking over to the bed he rested on, presenting him with the tray filled with all sorts of food. "Awee, babe~." The slayer says while looking up at me, blushing furiously. "Thank you so much, baby. But what about you?" He asks looking up at me, concerned. "I'm fine Shou, I'm immortal so it's not essential for me to eat. Besides I have you." I say to him with a genuine but mischievous smile. "Aghh! You sly bastard!" The boy says while laughing and all I could do was laugh with him. "Alright, eat up because I have a few things planned for you today." I say to the boy as he slides his fork out of his stuffed mouth making me chuckle a little.

-Time Skip-

Shoto POV:
We step inside Vox's car as he starts it and begins pulling out of the driveway. " Theres somewhere I'd like to take you later on today Shou." Vox says which catches my attention quickly. "Oh, and where is that?" I ask looking up to the amber eyed figure beside me. "Well, it's a suprise so technically I can't tell you." He says, chuckling under his breath. "Ughh Vox~ Tell mee!" I groan, leaning my head onto the demon's shoulder. " Nope." He says while grinning, focusing on the road and cars infront of him. Around 15 minutes of constant conversations and teasing, we finally made a stop. It was a gorgeous building that resembled a Spanish villa, with a huge pool infront.

" Wow! Vox this place is gorgeous but what are we doing here?" I ask, slightly tilting my head in confusion

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" Wow! Vox this place is gorgeous but what are we doing here?" I ask, slightly tilting my head in confusion. "Well let's just say it's one birthday gift of many." The taller says, placing a hand on my thigh. "Awe~ you didn't have to do all of this! Hanging out with you and the others today would mean everything to me." I reply to him fondly while topping my hands onto his. " Shall we go inside now, something bigger awaits you, my love." The demon says making my heart flutter, but I nod in response to his previous question. Both doors open and then close as we walk along the path leading to the entrance of the building. He signals for me to open the door and I do as such but before I could settle in, I'm greeted with a big " SUPRISEEE!" My eyes widen from the shock as I see all of my friends gathered into one. There was (Shu, Mysta, Luca, Ike, Nina, Pomu, Bao, Reimu, Mika, Fulgur, and Uki.) all standing infront of the door I just opened with party hats, party horns, and each held one big sign saying happy birthday. " Awww~ guyss! You're making it so hard to not cry right now." I say to the group while a big smile formed onto my face. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUU!" They all say at once, practically harmonizing every word. " Thanks so muchh~!" I sniffle a bit as they move around to let me and Vox inside. " So, how's your day goin, Shorto?" Mysta asks teasingly, which instantly makes me wanna strangle the shit out of him! " For the millionth time I'm not short, IM ACTUALLY TALLER THAN YOU!" I shoot back at him, making the detective playfully scoff at my words. " ONLY BY A FEW CENTIMETERS YOU BOTTOM!" The gray haired boy says making me fume with anger, HOW DARE HE CALL ME A BOTTOM!? " FOR YOUR INFORMATION IM ACTUALLY A TO-" my words get cut off by a slight pat on the shoulder, making me flinch a little. It was Vox. " How could you possibly be lying to your best friend here, Shoto baby?" Vox says while innocently smiling, knowing exactly what he was doing. "S- Shut up!" I whisper to the demon, but not low enough to not be heard by the fox boy currently third-wheeling. " Now what was that, Shoto baby~?" Mysta says mocking what Vox said a few seconds ago, making it even harder to not pounce on him right now. " Now hush! Before I end up hurting your ass!" I shoot back to the fox boy infront of me. " Ok, ok I'm done!" He says while putting his hands up as a sign of defeat.

-Time skip- (LAST ONE I SWEAR)

After about 3 hours of partying, shots, karaoke, and multiple rounds of beer pong, the night was coming to an end and what way to end tonight off with a good ol' fashioned toast. I grab a silver spoon and a glass of wine and step over to the center of the crowd that occupied the dance floor. *Clink* *Clink* *Clink* I tap the glass three times, making every one stop with glasses in their hands. " I'd like to make a toast to the person we all took time to gather around here for today." I watch as the purple haired boy turns around from hearing me speak, which makes me chuckle a little. " We all shared our presence this Sunday to come out and wish him a happy birthday, so let's give it up for, Shotoo!" I shout while bringing my glass into the air and drink it, as the crowd cheers and does the same. I watch as the violet eyed boy squeezes through the others, making his way to my direction. I could tell he was drunk by how flushed his face was. "Hmm..Vox, Baby. Nice speech out there~." The slayer says while latching himself onto my arm, making me let out a slight chuckle. " It was only a toast Shou, and look at yourself, your wasted." I reply, cupping the smaller's cheek. "NoO~ I'm Nawt~." The lavender hair replies and I sigh at his response of denial. " I think you had enough fun tonight anyway." I say to the smaller, still keeping a firm grip on my sleeve. "Hngh~ But I want YoU!" The slayer replies while beating his head onto my shoulder. " Well you can have me when we get home." I reply to him while holding his hand, leading us to the entrance. "Alright everyone, we'll be heading out now!" I wave at at the crowd with a genuine smile as the drunken boy beside me does the same. " Farewell you two! We hope you enjoyed tonight Shoto!" The crowd harmonizes as they say the same thing, also waving goodbye. I open the door for the latter , following behind him along the dark path leading to my car.

3rd person POV:
Moments later Vox and Shoto finally settle into the parked vehicle along with the starry night sky, preparing to head back to their humble abode. Shoto, already sound asleep slept peacefully as Vox whom was in the driver's seat drove for another 15 minutes before finally pulling into the driveway of what the two called " Their Home". Vox, not wanting to wake the smaller, carried him all the way back into the house and up the stairs, as he was the only one sober. The taller laid the lavender hair onto the King-Sized mattress before changing him into a comfy T-Shirt and shorts, before doing the same for himself. Finally, as the raven haired male laid down beside the smaller, he turned off the remaining light switch and dozed off into a comforting sleep.

I really wanted to post this on his birthday but I didn't finish in timeee💔😭 but chapter 4.5 is in the works and we're halfway through!🥳 I might take this Wednesday off since I've been working since I got up and it's currently 12:03 a.m rn so ENJOY THIS LITTLE SIDE STORY😁

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