Chapter 1

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Shoto POV:
I begin to wake up as I hear the sound of a phone alarm going off. "Mmh~." I let out a groan as I shift to rub my eyes. I begin to reach for the snooze button, but before I could, a set of arms pull me back holding me tight, it was Vox. The alarm eventually turns off and I decide not to fight back and simply to just lie down for a few more minutes. The alarm goes off once more and I lean out to turn it off and this time the demon lets me go. He begins to sit up stretching as we're both awake now.  "Morning Sho." The demon says still trying to fully wake up. "Good Morning Vox." I reply back stretching my arms while sitting on the side of the bed. He stands up off of the bed and stretches once more before turning around to face me completely naked. I begin to blush as he starts looking at the marks left on my body from last night and starts to smirk at the face I make. "Enjoy last night baby~." Vox asks making me flush a deep red and cover my face with my hands. "S- Shut up you bastard!" I reply back to him hiding in covers from embarrassment. He chuckles at my actions before turning back to a dresser to grab something to wear. "Also." The demon says gaining my attention before he could finish his sentence. "I have some work that I'll need to do for the day so I might be home late, so don't miss me~." He says and I roll my eyes at his words. I stand up from the edge of the bed and go to a dresser beside him to grab a set of clothes. We end up showering together and of course I wouldn't be walking out untouched. After getting ourselves ready for the day, we head downstairs for breakfast. Vox gets ingredients out of the fridge for breakfast this morning and sets them up to be cooked. Some time goes by as we talk and he finishes cooking and walks over to a marble cabinet and grabs two plates for us. He stacks two pancakes with whipped cream and evenly cut strawberries, he adds eggs and bacon onto the plates before setting one of them in front of me and the other beside me. He walks around the counter to sit on the stool right beside me. He then looks at me waiting for me to take the first bite. I cut a piece of my pancake into a triangle that had a little bit of whipped cream. I quickly grab it with my fork and bring it to my mouth. I slide the fork out of my mouth while chewing not even noticing the leftover whipped cream on the corner of my mouth. "How's it taste?" Vox asks with a softish smile on his face. "Really great! Your cooking is always soo good!" I say with enthusiasm in my voice making him blush a little. He becomes still for a few seconds before he leans in and licks the corner of my mouth making my cheeks turn a bright red. "You had something on your face~." Vox says with that alluring voice of his. "I could've wiped that off on my own!" I yell out flustered by his actions which only makes him chuckle. "Sure you could've, but where's the fun in that~." He says placing a hand on my thigh. We continue to eat breakfast and talk for a few more minutes before it's time for Vox to leave. "Ughh~." I let out a sarcastic groan as we stand at the front door. "It'll be boringg without you~." I say wrapping my arms around the demon. "It'll only be for a few hours." He says patting my head while opening the door. He grabs my chin and leans in for a kiss. I shut my eyes as the kiss becomes more intimate. Our tongues swirl and wrap around each other as he then pulls away for us to breath. A string of saliva trails from our mouths before breaking away the kiss and then the only thing heard is our heavy breaths as Vox looks at me with clear dominance. "I'll make sure to work this assignment tonight~." He says while tracing his hands down to my ass to cup it. He makes me blush in response as I take his wrists away from my body only to make him chuckle. "Hurry up and go!" I mumble while putting my head down. "Awe, but i thought you didn't want me to leave you~." He says in a fake sad voice while pouting his lips. I roll my eyes with a slight smile as he begins to walk out of the door. "See you later, don't miss me too much~." He says and I quickly reply. "Whatever, see ya." I roll my eyes again and turn myself to the side as he closes the door and locks it behind him. I go to the living room to watch some TV for awhile. "Maybe I'll go out later, I think I have some errands to run." (I think to myself.) About an hour passes and I grab the TV remote to power off the TV and I begin to put my shoes on to go out and run some errands.

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