Chapter 15

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When Taehyung returned from the forest, Jin noticed that he had a smug look on his face so he couldn't help but question the younger.  "Tae, where have you been and why are you smiling like that?"  Tae looked up at Jin as he was sitting on a couch in the living room, he then replied  "Well hyung, I've been in the city looking for Jungkook whom I found by the way...", "What did you do to him Taehyung?", "I simply talked to him and gave him a piece of my mind....he's alive don't worry...then I also met a beautiful human and he's been on my mind ever since we bumped into each other"  he finished as he stared off into space. Jin suddenly felt worry rush over him and he knows how Tae can get when he is angry.

He also doesn't believe that Tae should make any moves on this human because he could already be taken, judging by how Tae looked as he spoke about him...there is a slim chance that a man with such beauty is still available. Jin just hummed in response then left to make dinner, while he was doing that he couldn't help but feel sorry for Jungkook, he just hoped that things won't get out of hand.


Hobi was confronted by his father when he came back home.  "Where have you been young man?!", "Out..."  he said as he began walking away only to be stopped by his father's arm grabbing his harshly.  "You think I haven't noticed you sneaking out from time to time? Where have you been? I know you are meeting it Jungkook or have you fallen in love with a pathetic human?", "Since when did you care about someone other than yourself ? And what if I met with my brother and found myself a human to settle down with? What are you going to do about it????"  Hobi said as he was really done with this man whom he calls his father. He forcefully pulled his arm out of the man's grasp and left to go see his mother...who in fact heard everything.

They went to the Queen's own private quarters and talked about Jungkook as she treated his wounds. He told her about the fight he had and also about Jimin. He elaborated that Jungkook indeed has a soft spot for said boy and he is easily triggered when someone says his name. She chuckled and became shook as she learned that Jimin is slowly becoming one of them. After she was done with his wounds, Hobi continued his duties as head commander of the troop.


The next day after the incident, Jimin woke up and saw that he was still in Jungkook's arms on the couch. As he looked at Jungkook and saw the faint impressions of the bruises, he couldn't help but get angry once again. He unwrapped Kook's arms from around him, stood up and went to his room with rage evident in his eyes. He made his way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror , to his amazement his eyes were white visible. He had no idea what this meant neither did he want Jungkook to see him like this so he tried calming down and eventually they returned to their normal color; brown.

Jimin took a deep breath before taking a shower. While he was there he couldn't help but think about everything that has happened to him since he moved to Seoul. He was denied a position in a dance group, his mother died, he met the most interesting person who is currently living with him, he bit and fed on two males soon after he met Jungkook... "Wait a it a coincidence that I killed two people after meeting Kookie or is it just my bad luck?"  These of course are not the only thoughts that coursed through his mind. He also thought about confessing his feelings to Jungkook but he doesn't know how. With a sigh he exited the shower and dressed then made his way back to the living room where he saw Jungkook already dressed in a new suit of clothes as he was scrolling through his phone.

Jimin walked up to him and sat next to him,  "Morning Kookie how are you feeling?"  Jungkook gave him his full attention before answering,  "I'm fine Minnie no need to worry so much"  Jimin cupped his face and examined Jungkook closely. There is something about him that makes him different, he doesn't know what it is but he is beginning to think that Jungkook is hiding something from him. As they continued to stare in each other's eyes, Jungkook regained his senses and cleared his throat thus making Jimin remove his hands.  "Are you alright Jimin? I mean really alright?"  Jungkook asked hesitantly.

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