Chapter 17

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WARNING! This chapter still contains a bit of mature contents, if you are an underage, skip to the next chapter please.

During the intimacy an invisible shockwave was emitted from the two as they bit down on each other drawing blood, this alerted others of what had taken place.

Someone has mated on a blood moon night and that someone holds great power.

This of course didn't go unnoticed by a particular being on the tallest point in the world, who was walking by his terrace when he was met with a bright light and a strong wind. With a smirk he stopped in his tracks and walked towards his terrace as he looked in the direction the wind came from. His smirk grew wider as he said "It is done" before walking away to his vision room.

He walked towards the large bowl-like glass table and muttered a few words under his breath, with a wave of his hand an image appeared. In it he saw two males passed out cuddling under the sheets, he zoomed in and saw that they had the marks.  "Well done...I will be awaiting your visit"   with that he snapped his fingers causing the image to disappear, then he exited the room.

At Ördögház

The other vampires felt the slight shock wave as well. The King and Queen sat up abruptly from their bed and immediately ran towards their bedroom window. The King had an unreadable look on his face but his wife can tell that he was thrilled and anxious. You see whenever a vampire or werewolf mates on a blood moon night especially if they are of some importance, like Jungkook for example, there is an invisible shockwave that emits from that person and their mate.

This is a way of alerting them that the deed is done and they will be committing to their duties soon. However, this is not the case for Jungkook. Of course the Queen knew what was going through her husband's sick head, he is thinking that was the message telling him that Jungkook has been touched by the moon's beam and has mated. Soon their son will be arriving with his new mate ready to take his place upon the throne, which his father has to remember to get polished.

The Queen couldn't help but scoff at his unsaid thoughts, why? Well that's an easy answer, thanks to her dear son Hoseok who has been keeping her in the loop of Jungkook's life, she knows about the cute little human that said boy has grown fond of and tonight just proved that he has claimed him as his. Sure he wasn't a true blood vampire, meaning that he wasn't born as one; he was turned.

However, whatever applies to true vampires would apply to him as well...since he is mated to Jungkook he will have to serve alongside him as the Queen despite him being a male. She was truly happy for her younger son and could not wait to see the ex-human who has stolen his heart. Though she could not tell this to the King, he despises humans and he would erupt if he were to hear that the son he is trusting the entire Clan to has deceived him and mated a... to put it in his words...a "pathetic human".

The thought alone hurts her more than anything. Why couldn't parents be content with some of their offspring's life choices? Was it that hard? Generations change as time goes on, yet there are some people who want to be stuck in the same old boring way of life all the time. With a sigh she walked back to the bed and laid in her spot, her husband following suit with a wide smile on his slightly wrinkled face. He laid behind his wife and spooned her, she tensed a little then relaxed.

"Finally we will have Jungkook back in our embrace and his beautiful mate as well. I hope she is pretty, I want good looking grandkids"  he muttered close to his wife's ear who sat up and looked at him with an annoyed expression  "Really? That's what you're worried about? His mate and their looks? Why can't you let my son be happy for once? And who told you that he was touched by the moon anyway? For all we know he was fooling around and the universe mistook it for him mating just to please you because it knows how self-centered you are. Shut up and go to sleep"  she finished with a huff.

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