Chapter 24

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A great deal has been going on since the vampire couples left Seoul three days ago. Let's start with the vampires...

At Ördögház







Three days ago Mr. Jeon's presence was requested by his head scientist again. He made his way to the lower level of the building where the lab was and went towards the main office. Once there he found the scientist waiting for him with a smile on his face. "Judging from your smiling face I assume you have great news for me" said Jeon as he sat. The other man nodded "Yes I do. We've made a great deal of progress and now according to our calculations the moon will return within a week or so" The King's face brightened up at that as he happily rose from his seat.

He took the other man's hand in a firm and thrilled handshake. "Thank you so much, this is indeed great news. Soon we'll have our Jungkookie back with us" The scientist didn't deny this fact but that was only the good news, he has some bad news as well. "Yes sir but there is a slight disadvantage to this" "And what might that be?" The man inhaled before speaking again, "You vampires aren't the only ones that the Blood Moon affects. We also have the werewolves to take into consideration" "Why is that?" asked the King "Bringing this moon back many years before it's due will cause the werewolves to go feral...and one can only assume the danger we'll all be in if they attack us"

The King stood from his seat after hearing this, he furiously asked "Why are you telling me this now??!" the scientist gulped "Well I um...we only realized that after the magnetic energy was released and by then it was too late to reverse it" The King pinched the bridge of his nose as a way to calm himself then he remembered seeing his troops constantly training without there being a need to. He then asked "Is that why the troops seem as though they are preparing for a war?" "Yes exactly, Hoseok came to see me the other day and asked me about....oops" he quickly covered his mouth as he suddenly remembered he wasn't supposed to say anything to the King about Hoseok's visit.

The King looked at him suspiciously, "Why was Hoseok here?" . The scientist mentally cursed himself but he couldn't lie to the King now could he? "Somehow he found out about the plan to bring the moon back and came to ask me why we're doing it and how will this affect the wolves so....I told him and he's been training every day since he came" The King heard enough and walked away without saying a word. Soon after he found himself standing outside the Queen's private quarters where he heard both his son and wife's voices.

He opened the door without knocking and entered, doing so caused the two to cease their conversation and looked at him. He walked closer to them, "Tell did you know about my plan?" Hoseok scoffed and rolled his eyes thinking whether to reply or not but eventually he did, "There's no explanation needed as you're the only one who is self-centered around here who would do such a thing without thinking of the repercussions" The King stood there watching as his son rise from his seat making movements to the door, "Self-centered? I'm not self-centered" "Who are you trying to fool? Of course you are self-centered, if you weren't you would let my little brother be, but no. You have to do something so stupid that could possibly cost us our lives!"

That was the last thing Hoseok said before walking out the door leaving the King and Queen alone to let his words sink in.







So that was Ördögház, next stop.....

Kim's Manor

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