Chapter 17

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*normal pov*

I wake up with a horrible headache. I slowly sit up and rub over my eyes. Where am I? I look around and see my friends sitting on the ground and talking. Obviously we're in an abandoned classroom. I slowly get up and Fred raises his head. His eyes light up as he sees me. "Hannah!", he exclaims. I smile at him. Everyone stands up and gives me a hug. "How are you felling?", Ron asks. "Not the best but it's been worse", I reply. "She did it again, didn't she?", I ask the group. They all nod their heads. I sigh. Only now I notice the presence of another person. I turn to the door to see Oliver leaning against it. I frown. "What are you doing here, Oliver? Aren't you supposed to be with your 'girlfriend' right now?", I ask. "I am.", he answers. I look him up and down. He looks good. He took off his coat and scarf. He wears the same sweater he  wore at our first date. It's dark red and has his initials at the bottom of the arms. "Ok, thank you, but why are you here?", I ask again and emphasize the why. He sighs. "Because I wanted to explain everything to you. The article." I slowly nod. He looks at the others and they begin to pack their things. "Meet me in the common room in 10 minutes, yeah?", I say. Harry nods and gives me a hug. They leave and I sit on the table I laid. "So, why were you kissing Emma Vanity?", I ask. 

"First of all, there's nothing going on between me and Emma. She was our reserve chaser and when Steve got sick. Emma is basically a fangirl who pretended to play quidditch professional so she could get on the team. She was the best player from her year at Ilvermorny. We got close when she fancied me and I didn't know how to reject her. But in the end I did it like twenty times and more. Everyone knew it, so it wasn't a surprise for a few fans that she kissed me.  She was fired after this by the way. I didn't want to ruin our friendships I didn't end our contact, but I must say, it would be better, if I had. So after our match against the Chudley Cannons, she just kissed me. Without permission or asking. But only in that moment the photographer did this fucking picture and gave it to the daily prophet. They just texted something to it, asked Jack for a statement and published it on the front page. But everything they've written- except for Jack's statement- is false.", he takes a deep breath. "I love you, Hannah. And if didn't, I would have ended our relationship.", he finishes. He walks towards me and takes my hands into his. "I really really really love you, Hannah" I look up to him and lose myself in his brown eyes that look like melted chocolate. "I love you too, Ollie", I say. He leans in and I close my eyes as our lips touch. His lips are soft and warm, just like I remember. There's firework exploding in my stomach and my heart is doing turn after turn. He lays one of his hands on my cheek and the other one on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. We break apart and make eye contact. I start to giggle. "What?", his voice is barely more than a whisper. "This felt good", I whisper. He grins and kisses me again. It's a short peck on my lips. "Promise me something", he whispers. "What?" "Promise me that from now on nothing will pull us apart. Nothing" "I promise" "Good", is all he says before kissing me again. 

"Aawwww" We break apart and I look over Ollie's shoulder to the door. In the door stand Alicia, Angelina, Hermione and Ron with a look that looks like they see a cute puppy, and Fred and George with a fake disgusted face. Harry glares at Oliver, I think he wants to hit him. Very hard. Right now. I smile. "What?", I ask. "You're so cute together", Alicia says and Angelina, Hermione and Ron nod in agreement. Harry frowns. "We didn't plan to catch you making out", Fred says. "We just wanted to make sure he doesn't torture you", George continues with a grin. "Haha, very funny", I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. Oliver turns around to face his old teammates. He sighs. "You know, I miss times at Hogwarts so much... and you of course", he says, smiling at us. He looks at his watch. "Shit, I've to go now... Jack is waiting for me in Hogsmeade... I see y'all at King's Cross",he says and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Write me, I wanna know what the pink toad does, and if she does something to Hannah, you-", he glares at Fred and George, "are going to write me and I'll come. You understand me?!", he says. Fred and George swallow and nod. "I will, but you too! I want a reply on all of my letters!", I say. He grins. "Of course" I kiss him another time but we break apart way too soon. He puts on his coat and scarf and leaves. I look a my friends. I get up and nearly fall, but I catch myself. I look up to my friends who have a concerned look on their faces. "I'm fine. First one at the Common Room gets to choose a game!", I say and start running off. They follow me. George overtakes me, followed by Fred. I run even faster and get to the Common Room third. I walk into see a very happy Fred and an angry George. "Who won?", I ask panting. "Isn't it obvious? Me of course", Fred answers. The others arrive and sit down on the armchairs and couch next to us. Or they sit on the floor. "Shit, I forgot my potions homework until tomorrow, sorry I cannot play.", Harry said getting up quickly and going to his dorm. Ron follows him, obviously he forgot to do it too. "I'll help them"; Hermione says getting up as well. Now it's only Angelina and Alicia, the twins and me. "So what game are we going to play Fred?", I ask. He smirks. I expect something like- "Truth or dare", exactly this. 

We play truth or day for an hour now and it gets boring. "I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted"; I say and go to bed, still processing what has happened today.

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