Chapter 41

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*Oliver's sight*

I can't believe it, we actually won! We're the fucking champions of this year! I'm so happy. I look around the crowd amazed, searching for somebody I could possibly know. All of our fans cheer uncontrollably. My gaze flies over the side of the bench when I see a girl with dark brown hair, emerald green eyes and a familiar grin on her face. She's wearing a grey sweatshirt jacket, her hands buried in her pockets, simple blue jeans and red converse. I look at her in disbelieve. I must be dreaming. This can't be- No- But I know it must be her. I throw my broom away and run to her. She starts running to me to. I reach her and pull her into a very tight hug. I finally breath her familiar smell of blossom, vanilla parchment and Ashwood. Her hair is soft and I stroke it when I hear her sob. My shirt gets wet but I couldn't care less. I don't realise it soon, but I'm sobbing, too. I feel how her body gets heavier, she starts to sink to the ground and I'm too weak to hold her upright, so we sink to the ground, still holding to each other tight. 

"I missed you so fucking much", I whisper. "I missed you more", she whispers back. Shivers run down my spine when I hear her voice. It's raspy but still wonderful. I nearly forgot how it sounds. She backs away a little and we hold eye contact. Butterflies start flying through my stomach. I still can't believe that Hannah really is here with me. "It's really you, isn't it?", I ask just to make sure. She nods. "Yeah, it's me", she says and the tears start to flow once more. She wipes mine away. I bring her near to me while she does the same and our lips touch. They're soft and warm, just like I remember. I was missing her kisses, her touches, her voice, her everything. She sighs and suddenly a salty taste unfolds itself. I realise she started crying again. We pull back, needing air. But apparently, Hannah doesn't need that much air and kisses me once more. I kiss her back when her lips touch mine. She sighs again, but this time I pull back. "How did you escape the Malfoys?", I ask, my voice raspy and I imagine she has problems to understand me because of all the noises in the stadium. "I'll tell you later. You should celebrate", she answers. I feel my heart ache a little but I understand. There could be other people eavesdropping here. I smile at her before I dive in for another kiss. We hear somebody clear their throat next to us. We break apart and look up. Jack stands besides us, of course it's him who ruins our moment... But Hannah gets up and hugs him, they greet each other. I can't tear my eyes off of Hannah, she looks so beautiful and it feels so surreal that she's here. Eventually, my girlfriend looks at me. "I can't believe you're here again. I thought I wouldn't ever see you again!", I say and get up. I hug her tightly just to make sure she's real and won't leave soon. She hugs me back immediately. "I'm so happy to be here again and I'm so proud of you to win this championship", she says. I kiss her forehead as answer.


"Will you marry me?"

Hannah's eyes tear up once more, heavier than before. She looks at me not believing her ears and eyes. I try to prepare for her answer. It'd be pretty embarrassing if she said no... She nods frantically. "Ye-es", she says in between sobs. I feel the relief washing over me. Everybody starts to cheer and applaud. "Yes, yes! Of course I want to marry you!", she claims. I get up and hug her very tight. "I wanted to ask you on our anniversary, but-", I start but she cuts me off by kissing me. She pulls away before I can react. "It's okay", she says and smiles softly. I take her left hand and put the ring on her ring-finger. She smiles weakly before she cups my face and kisses me softly. I pull her in by her waist and kiss her back immediately. I can't believe she's my fiancée now; I'm fucking engaged. We pull away at the same time, gasping for air and look at each other. Hannah's still crying, I feel my cheeks getting wet, too. She hugs me and presses herself against me tight. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her head. I feel her smile because of our height difference. She backs away to look at the ring carefully. I hope she likes it. The diamond of her mother's engagement ring is put in there and our initials are engraved next to it. Remus took Lily's ring when the Potter's friends could take a memory from their house. He gave it to me when I asked him for ideas. Hannah admires the ring when the twins and Jack come over. They grin happily. "Congratulations", Jack says. Hannah thanks him and hugs him short. He hugs me, too, before stepping aside. George walks over to me. "Surprised you didn't mess it up, mate", he says and hugs me, too. "Me too, honestly.", I answer and grin at him. I turn to Fred and Hannah. Fred's holding Hannah's hand, it looks like he just proposed, but he's just looking at the ring. "Hey, that's my fiancée!", I claim. It feels strange but great at the same time to address Hannah as my fiancée. The ginger's head shots up. "Sorry- I was... just lost in thought", he says. Hannah starts to grin, obviously she has an idea about what he thought. 

"Anyways, wanna party?", Jack asks smirking. We all nod except for Hannah. "No thanks, I'm up since 4 in the morning. I'll go with you, but probably fall asleep in a corner", she says and smiles. The twins look at her understandingly. That's when I realise I still don't know how she came here. "You still didn't tell me how you escaped the Malfoys!", I pout. She lays her soft hands on my cheeks, I automatically tilt my head into them. "I'm definitely going to, I promise. It's just not the right time", she explains. I nod sad. I know she'll feel bad for me, but I understand. She's exhausted and wants to go to bed. "I can tell you later this night, if you want to", she tries to make it up. I nod frantically, wanting to know literally everything. "Yes, please. I want to know everything!", I say. We smile at each other like idiots.


The pub is full of fans who celebrate. The music's loud and I can hardly understand the twin's explanation of their newest product, even though they're sitting right across from me. I try to read their lips, but fail miserably. Hannah rests her head on my shoulder, I know she's tired and I know we should go. I feel her head get heavier with every second passing by. I empty the rest of my beer and wave the waiter over. "Can I pay, please?", I scream over the noise. He nods and gets the check. He brings it to me and I pay for the last round. I look at Hannah, her eyes are closed but I know she's still awake, her hands holding mine under the table. "Let's go, shall we?", Jack asks. We all nod. Hannah opens her eyes and looks around confused. "We're leaving", I whisper in her ear. She nods. We get up and leave the pub. Finally, fresh air! Jack looks at us. "I gotta go. You know, family's waitin'", he says. I nod and hug him. "See ya in a few days", I say. "Yeah, see ya", he says and waves at the twins and Hannah. She leans onto me, too tired to stand on her own. "So, what're we going to do now?", I ask. "Mum said you could come over to us for tonight, if you want to spend more time with Hannah. She'll be sleeping in Ginny's room, you could sleep there with her. But if you don't want to, that's fine. It's just, Hannah can't come back to Edinburgh", George explains. I nod. "That'd be great if I could. Lemme just apparate home, get the things we need before I'll come to ya", I say. The twins and Hannah nod. "We'll see you at the burrow", they say. I apparate to Edinburgh, run to our flat, and pack a bag with essentials for me and Hannah. Then I apparate to the burrow and see the twins and Hannah waiting for me at the door.

"So, here I am.", I say. We enter the Weasley's home and see Molly and Arthur sitting in the living room. Molly looks to us when we enter. "Hey mum and dad", Fred says. We take off our coats and shoes. "Oliver, dear! Congratulations on being champion!", Molly hurries over to us and hugs me. I hug her back. "Thanks Molly!", I say. "Hannah, how are you feeling, my love?", she asks. "I'm fine, just a little tired", she answers and yawns. "Then, go to bed, honey. No one will blame you!", Molly says and Hannah nods. She takes the bag I just packed and walks up the stairs to Ginny's room. She turns around one more time at the bottom of the stairs. "Good night everyone. It's great to be back here with you", she says and goes to Ginny's room. The twins and I sit down in the living room and discuss the match with Arthur. But I feel the tiredness washing over me after 10 minutes and I say good-night to everyone before leaving for Ginny's room, too. I enter it and see Hannah lying in Ginny's bed, already asleep. I change into my pj's quietly and then lay next to her. I wrap my arm around her waist, pull her closer to me and snuggle up to her. She turns around, wraps her arm around my chest and buries her face in my neck. My eyelids get heavier. "Good-night, poopy-bear. I love you", she whispers against my neck, her breath tickling my sensitive skin. I smile. "Good-night, dear. I love you even more", I answer. I close my eyes and we both drift off to sleep.


and the last two chapters summarized form Oliver's point of view! Hope you like it! And I hope you liked his monologue in the last chapter! I had to make progress with this story, so I added the proposal! I read it out to my sister and she was literally enchanted by the monologue and honestly, I'm pretty proud of myself! 

hope you enjoyed! xx

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